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Digimon World: Digital Card Battle

Easy Ultimates

Get to Dark City and defeat all four stages of Wormon. You will get a pack and an Ultimate.


Fuse Phoenixmon and Veedmon.


Fuse a Digitamamamon with Infermon.


Get to the last city, Wiseman Tower. Go to the Fusion shop, where you can Fuse anything. To get ImperialDramon, you must fuse Paildramon and Omnimon II.


Go to the fusion shop. Fuse Piedmon and MagnaAngemon.


Fuse Andromon with either Digitamamon or Jijimon.


Fuse MetalSeadramon or Omnimon II with Golden Banana, Devil's Chip, Whistle, Giga Hand, Metallic Banana, or Shining Mane.


Fuse ExVeemon and Stingmon or Shakkoumon and WaruMonzaemon.


Fuse Gigadramon with Golden Banana, Devil's Chip, Whistle, Giga Hand, Metallic Banana, or Shining Mane.


Fuse Andromon with Etemon to get Metal Etemon. Then, fuse Metal Etemon with Angewomen to get Piedmon. Go to the fusion shop. Fuse WaruMonzaemon with the Mega Attack Chip.


Fuse Myotismon with Lillymon.


Only fuse a MagnaAngemon with Jijimon.


Fuse Silpymon with Garudamon.


Select Veemon as a partner if you are a beginner. He has three Digi-Eggs, compared to Hawkmon's and Armadillomon's two Eggs.


Fuse Shakkoumon with Zudomon.


Fuse Shakkoumon and WaruMonzaemon. Fuse Imperialdramon or Paildramon with Golden Banana, Devil's Chip, Whistle, Giga Hand, Metallic Banana, or Shining Mane.


Fuse together Lillymon with either GranKuwagamon or Diaboromon.

Wizardmon's wand spells

Successfully complete the game, then go back to Sky City, where you fought Wizardmon. He will tell you he has a magic wand. Say the spell, and he will give you a Card.

Wizardmon's wand spel words

When wizardmon at sky city will ask you to use his wand, say yes and type the words:

A-VEEDRAMON --to get a ayroveedramon

H-KBUTERIMON --to get herculeskabuterimon

PIEDMON--for piedmon

JIJIMON--for jijimon

WARGREYMON--to get wargreymon

OMNIMON-1--for omnimon I

OMNIMON-2--for omnimon II

Mystic Sevens

Defeat kari at sky city about 8 to 10 times to get mystic sevens.

Reverse Sevens

Defeat blackmetalgarurumon about 2 times to get the reverse sevens.

Get Wildsevens Cards

To get seven cards you must defeat IMPERIALDRAMON

Wild sevens: fight about 8 to 10 times with him

Effect: attack power is tripled


Fuse waruseadramon and megaseadramon.


Fuse magnangemon with angewomon.

Metal Etemon

Fuse andromon and etemon to get him.

Speed Sevens

Defeat piximon and you will get the speed sevens card.

Grand Sevens

To get grand sevens defeat nanimon a few times to get the grand sevens card.

Holy Sevens

Defeat seraphimon 8 to 10 times to getthe holy sevens card.

Dark Sevens

Defeat piedmon 8 to 10 times to get dark sevens.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Digimon World 3

Recommended Digimon

Get Guilmon and Renamon. When they digivolve to Mega level, they will be a strong team (Gallantmon and Sakuyamon).

Eight Digimon's Digivolutions

No matter what three Digimon you start out with, all of them can learn the same Digivolutions. The difference is with the requirements for the Digivolutions. For example, Omnimon is a very powerful Digimon, and is required to get another strong Digimon, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. All eight Digimon can Digivolve into both Omnimon and Imperialdramon PM, but Agumon and Veemon can digivolve into the two easier because they are both a base digimon of Imperialdramon or Omnimon.

Recommended booster packs

To get the best booster pack, defeat Cardmon in Amaterasu Ice Lake. He will give you a booster pack 15B. The best booster pack is R-Booster-05. You can get this in the Amatsearu Server in Ice Lake by aew certain attacks and by some of the Black Agumon (the digimon that stole Etemon's mike).

Good cards

At the very start of the game (when you get into the Digital World), you can purchase cards such as BKImperialdramon, Megagargomon, Seraphimon, and other very powerful cards from the Divermon in Asuka City. The only downside is they are 10,000 or more each.

Blue card

Defeat the Sieryu leader and go to East Station in Kicking Forest. Go to the machine and it will say that Guilmon possesses a Blue card. Go to Asuka City and enter the Inn. Go into the room full of beds and you will find Guilmon. Talk to him and he will say his cousin has a Blue card and he will be going somewhere to eat. Go to the Forest Inn, and beside the Guardromon you will see a Guilmon. Talk to him and he will say he is in Sieryu City. Go to the Sieryu Inn and talk to the Guilmon on the bed. He will give you a Blue card (which is a fake). Go to East Station to that machine, and it will tell you that it is fake. Return to Sieryu City and you will see a Guilmon on the streets. Talk to him and he will say that Guilmon is a trickster and that he likes to hide in spooky places. Go to the Forest Inn. Go to the bottom floor to find him. Talk to him and he will apologize and give you the Blue card. You can then go to the East Station and go to the South Sector.

Gabumon card

To find the Gabumon card, look in the boxes in the Inn in Asuka City that are being cleaned.

Getting to forest from Asuka City

When exiting of Asuka City and you keep getting into one of the beaches, take a left in the middle of the park. You will end up in the forest.

Mirage Tower

When you get to Mobius Desert in the West Sector, go north (from your perspective, and not your character). When you are in the next part, go to your left. Keep repeating the process until you arrive.

Mobius Desert

Use these directions to get out of the Mobius Desert. Start at the top right corner, go to the top left corner, the bottom left, top left, bottom, then finally top left. You should be at the Mirage Tower.

El Dorado items

When you go to the auctions at El Dorado always buy it if you have enough money. Sometimes they sell for five times as much.

Master room password in Asuka City

If you are having trouble in learning the password to the Master room in Asuka City, touch the pictures in this order: M O N S T E R. Then, get ready to battle the Game Master.

Raising your Digimon

If you are stuck on a hard Boss Digimon, stop trying defeat him and take the time to raise just one Digimon until it is strong enough to defeat that enemy.


When you are training your Digimon, quickly press Circle repeatedly and he should get it correct most of the time.


If you do not want to battle and just want to get to a save location, place your strongest Digimon in front. When you get to a battle, it will hopefully be strong enough to allow you to run away.


Hold X just before an attack hits. If timed correctly, you will block the attack most of the time.

Repeatedly tap X as quickly as possible when an enemy attacks and do not stop until after it is over.

Press Triangle just as the enemy is about to hit you. They will miss about half of the time. If it does not work, your Digimon will need more defense and speed.


Each Digimon and its evolutions only can have one finisher. For example: Monmon has Swing Swing as its finisher, Gallantmon has Final Purification, and BK (Black) Wargreymon has Terra Destroyer.

Attack twice occasionally

Sometimes you can attack twice. One way is to get your opponent's health to the reds. The second method depends on your speed/movement.

Dueling island

Once you get the egg that the Sazuka Leader tells you about, go to Divermon's Lake. Go down the ladder at the entrance of the lake. You will see Divermon in the water. Talk to him and he will give you a Divermon card. Go to the square platform and press Action. When you are in the water, keep going to the right. You will see light. Go to it and press X. You will go up and a message reading "Welcome To Dueling Island" will appear.

Easy Power Charges

Defeat a Betamon. Most of the time, they will give you a Power Charge which revives 500 HP.

Easy Bits

Go to the Jungle Shrine in the Ether Jungle and keep fighting Numemon (Blue). You will get an easy 660 bits every time you defeat him.

Note: You must have a Counter Crest, low defense, high attack and any elemental accessories on your Digimon for this trick. Go to South Badlands or North Badlands E in Amaterasu. You may encounter Numemon (light blue or so). Before you fight him, equip the Counter Crest and the elemental accessories. When you fight him, you can attack him with the "Fight" ability or a special attack. When he attacks you, counter it with the Counter Crest. It does the same amount of damage that he did to you, and with the low defense, it should do even more damage. Also, with the elemental accessories, it should do slightly more damage to Numemon. After you defeat him, you will get 399 experience and about 1110 bits.

In Asuka City at the inn, go to the left of the door and down the ladder. Go through the door that should be to the right of you. You will go through a underground passage. Turn left and follow that path until you rach a little place where the screen switches. There should be a box there. Open it for 300 bits.

Easy experience

Tag in all your weaker partners first, then tag in your strongest last. Do not forget to heal them to get the experience. Then, finish with the strongest Digimon. All the digimon will get the same amount of experience.

Note: This trick requires a controller with a auto-fire feature. Go anywhere where you can kill the enemies in one hit with attack. Set the auto-fire to X and use a rubber band to keep X and the D-pad held. Allow the game to remain in this condition for an extended amount of time.

Go to Amateratsu Dungeon. Fight until you reach the Fire Dungeon. Defeat the leader there and he will give you an EXP Adaptor. This item can get you more experience in battle for one Digimon.

Get to the north sector in the Atmurutsu server, or to the north sector.

Signature attacks

Champions get their signature attacks at levels 60 to 74. Ultimates learn them at level 75 to 80 or 85. Megas learn them at level 81 or 86 to 99. Also, BlackWarGreymon has a different name but a simillar signature attack. WarGreymon's signature attack is Terra Force, but BlackWarGreymon's signature attack is Terra Destroyer. There maybe other similar occurrences in the game.

Note: All Digimon learn the attacks at the same level. All Champions learn their signature attacks at level 60. All Ultimates learn their signature attacks at level 70. All Megas learn their signature attacks at level 85.

Getting Champion and Ultimate form Digimon

Champion: Raise Rookie's level to 5 and it will have a Digivolution.

Ultimate: Raise Rookie's level to 20 and it will have a Digivoulition.

Note: Ultimate Digimon learn their Signature attacks from the show at level 70

In battles when the static bar goes all the way up, you will digivolve to your Ultimate form. You are also healed completely.

Digimons digivovle to Mega forms at level 40.

Alternate forms

You can get alternate forms to your Digimon's Rookie. The first will be at level 5. Champions seem to grow in levels faster than Rookies. Depending on your tolerances, you will get other forms as well.

Hidden Bosses

There are some hidden Bosses in the Amaterasu server. Check all the areas that you fought other Bosses. For example, BK Imperialdramon will be where Mastertyrannomon was in the Azuka Server. Some Boss spots are (for both servers): TyrannoVally, Controlroom, Dum Dum Factory, Jungle Shrine, Sewers, and Jungle Grave entrance.

Fishing pole

Go to Smith's Shop and buy a Bamboo Spear. Then, go to the Protocol Forest and fight Dokugamon until you get a Spiderweb. Next, go to Divermon's Lake and go to the left side of the screen. There will be a ladder there. Go down it and walk down the bridge until you see a Divermon. Talk to him and he will ask for help. Help him and he will give you the Red Snapper. Then, go to Shell Beach and find the man that is fishing. Talk to him a few times and he will make you a Fishing Pole.

Digi-Egg Of Reliability

Defeat Suzaku Leader. She will tell you a little about it. Talk to girl in Phoenix Bay. She will tell you to go to Bios Swamp. This is right from the Bulk Bridge area. Find the Shrine and you will find Crest of Sincerity (sic, as appears in the game) then you will think about asking Sepikmon. Go to see Sepikmon. He suggests seeing Baronmon about a bomb. Go to Tyranno Valley. Defeat some Triceramon until you get a TNT Ball. Take the TNT Ball to Baronmon in Protocol Ruins. He will make a TNT Chip. Go all the way back to Shrine and blow up the wall. In the Shrine, climb down the ladder to find the Digi-Egg Of Reliability. Note that your character calls it the Digi-Egg Of Sincerity.

Agumon Suit

After you talk to the girl after getting the Suzaku Badge, you will need a Agumon Suit. To get it, first talk to the owner of the Azuka Bar. Then, talk to the girl just outside of the bar, Next talk to the grandfather and grandmother near the yellow cruiser. Go to the other way of the secret passage and talk to the boy. Then go back to the main lobby and talk to the same girl again, and again to the secret passage boy. You now have the Agumon Suit.

Defeating The Game Keeper's Persiamon

Use a Rookie at the beginning so that it will do an attack that turns Champions, Ultimates, and Megas into Rookies.

Defeating Metalgreymon

Have Wargrowlmon at level 7 or another Metalgreymon at level 10. It will beat Metalgraymon with just two hits.

Defeating Megadeath

Fuiginmon (Digimon of Speed) is only weak to Fight attacks. If you have a Gallantmon or Cannondramon, he will go down quickly. Next is Suiginmon (Digimon of Power). He is weak to water and ice attacks. His Fight attack hits you four times -- have some Ultracharges ready. Last is Rajinmon (Digimon of Thunder). He is fairly easy if your Digimon are trained well. Water and ice attacks work on him. After all of them are defeated, prepare to take on Galacticmon.

Defeating Galacticmon

When fighting the tail, have a Digimon with good power. Galacticmon is weak against fight attacks. The attacks that weaken him the most are Thunder attacks. Just before you defeat the tail, have your weakest Digimon out. The tail will disappear and the body will use a attack called Gracnark Cannon. Your Digimon's HP will go down to one and Galacticmon will copy one of your attacks. Next, fight the body. This is very difficult. Nothing does a lot of damage on him. Thunder attacks still work well. When you only use fight enough times he will stop attacking for awhile, but his main attack is to counter attack then hit you with a attack called "????????". It does not do that much damage. After you have hit him enough times an FMV sequence of him exploding will begin.


To get the Wargrowlmon's DNA, it can be found in the Ether Jungle.


When you are playing hide and seek, never leave Kicking Forest or you will not be able to get the boots. From the entrance at the left set of trees, go down. Sometimes it is in the lower section.

To find the Veemon to get the Tree Kicking Boots after the girl in Plug Cape tells you about them, go to the Lamb Chop. Talk to the waitress that is not behind the counter, She will tell you to go to Windy Trail to find the Veemon. Look under the first few trees by X under them. You will eventually find him.

To find Veemon in Kicking Forest, after talking to him in the Windy Prairie, go to the group of trees just before you cross to the other side (over the river). Stand under the head of a tree and press X until he says "Oops, you found me."

Defeat the real Byakko Leader at Mirage Tower. Have one Digimon with you and go to Protocol Ruins to talk with the DRI about Veemon. Your Digimon must be level 20 or less to talk to DRI Bob. Paildramon should be in Bulk Bridge.


Get the Digi-Egg Of Sincerity. You can now call Submarimon from any dock. The docks are the strange little square things. A "!" will now appear and you can call Submarimon. There are mostly Dolphmon and Gesomon in the Seabeds . Make sure you are at least level 15 before attempting the Seabeds.

In Amaterasu Server, when you go fishing you will probably catch Ebidramon. However, when you get transported by Submarimon, there are mostly MarineDevimon and Dragomon found in the seabeds.


Raise Kyubimon's level to 20.


Sepikimon says he knows a way to beat Zanbamon. He will tell you if you find his mask. Go to Baronmon in the Protocol Ruins. He says that he saw Sepikimon in Asuka City. Go there and you will see him. He says that he will not tell you because he found his mask. Go all the way to the Shaman's House. He says that was not him. Go all the way to Asuka City. Go to where the old man and woman are, near the big tree. You will see a Etemon. He is the imposter. He says Sepikimon went to Divermon Lake.


To get Phoenixmon by DNA Digivolution, you need Taomon (Renamon's Ultimate) and Magnaangemon (Patamon's Ultmate). DNA Digivolve and your digimon will be at their best MP and HP.


The two-handed weapon you get with Monmon at the heavy armory after you get past Mr. Smith gives you a good chance of confusing the enemy; especially with Armormon you learn at level 20 and with an attack such as Bug Buster. This still gives a chance of confusion and a better hit against certain Digimon.


DNA Digivolve Digitamamon and WarGrowlmon.


Get all eight Digimon to receive Lopmon.


The easiest Digimon to get Kaseidramon with is Veemon. Train Veemon to get Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. Train him to level 95, then do the necessary procedures to Veemon to get Gallantmon. Train Gallantmon's Dark Tolerance to 860 and to level 95. Then, exercise Veemon in the required procedures to obtain BlackWargreymon. Train BlackWarGreymon to level 99. If you have ImperialDramon PM, Gallantmon, and Black WarGreymon at their respective levels, you will get Kaseidramon for Veemon.

Kaseidramon is a Digimon from a Japanese-only Digimon film, appearing as a powerful neutral (not good or evil) Lupin III-esque infamous ronin thief. He is pretty much a Mega-level Flamedramon (but wears none of its armor) in a red Zeon-style uniform with white boots and gloves, with a utility belt around his waist (with a katana and handgun attached to it), with a black desert cape on his body. The front of it is thrown over his shoulder to show his front body, and the back of his desert cape as a yellow falcon sown into it. He has a shield that is similar in appearance to the RX-78-2 Gundam shield. His finisher is "World's Most Wanted" (fires off his handgun, making heavy smoke that materializes to duplicates of him with each of his weapons. One has his katana, the other his Beam Saber, the other his Beam Javelin, and the other his Stride Hammer. They each rush the enemy with their weapon and strike, then using Kaseidramon's infamous thieving skills afterwards to snatch an item).


Get all eight Digimon to receive Impmon.


Use the following steps to have Imperialdramon Paladin mode as permanent Digivolution. First, you must have a permanent Omnimon. To do this, have a Wargreymon and Metalgarrurumon at Level 40. This gives you Omnimon. Next, you must have a Permanent Imperialdramon fighter mode. To do this, have a Imperialdramon dragon mode and at level 99. During a fight, DNA Digivolve Omnimon and Imperialdramon fighter mode to have Paladin mode. He will do an attack then disappear and de-digivolve. The next time you fight as Imperialdramon fighter mode, he can digivolve to Paladin mode anytime.

Use these steps to get Imperialdramon Paladin mode as a digivolution instead of DNA digivolution. It only appears once in battle and eats away at both Digimon's MP every time you do it. Veemon is the easiest to use to get Imperialdramon Paladin. Raise Veemon to level 5 for ExVeemon. Then, raise ExVeemon to level 30 for Stingmon. After that, raise Stingmon to level 5 and Veemon to level 20 for Paildramon. Raise Paildramon until he learns his signature attack. By then, you should have earned MetalMamemon and Greymon. If not, you have to train Veemon's machine resistant (go to Togemon's gym) and defense until he does. Train MetalMamemon until he learns MetalGarurumon (you might have to train machine resistant a little more). Then, train MetalGarurumon until level 40. Now train Greymon to level 40, MetalGreymon to level 99, and WarGreymon to level 40, and you should earn Omnimon. Train him to level 40. By then, Veemon should be past level 40 and have earned Imperialdramon. Train him to level 99 to earn Imperialdramon Fighter mode, then train him to level 40 and Imperialdramon Paladin mode is yours without DNA digivolving and using MP.

To get an Imperialdramon Dragon mode, you must have a Paildramon and grow it to level 50.


Before you fight Galacticmon , make sure you have strong Megas and Rookies at least level 53.


After you defeat the Sazaku leader in the Amaterasu server, talk to the Pi where Renemon stood in the Asuka server. He will move aside. Then, go to the dock to the Ug lake. At the very top is the Digiegg Of Reliability. You can call Digmon whenever you are at a hole with red dirt around it.


Use either Angemon, or Grizzmon frequently.


Diaboromon is a Digivolution of BlackWarGreymon and GranKuwagamon, both at level 99. You need to get those two. For BlackWarGreymon, first gain her mega, Sakuyamon. Then level her up to level 10 to get Devimon. Level Devimon up to level 50 to Digivolve to Myotismon (level 99 MaloMyotismon). Before letting Myotismon's skill level reach 20, make sure that Renamon's strength is over 300 or you will not get Grizzmon. Once you have Grizzmon, when its skill level is 30 and defense is over 280 (without any armor or accessories), you will get Greymon. Greymon turns into SkullGreymon at skill level 50 with Dark Tolerance over 250. When SkullGreymon reaches level 99, it becomes BlackWarGreymon, which then needs to reach level 99 itself. For GranKuwagamon, once Kyubimon reaches level 20 and has over 80 strength, Stingmon will appear. When Stingmon reaches level 40, Kabuterimon will become optional. The other Digimon besides Kabuterimon required to get GranKuwagamon is Imperialdramon, which is Paildramon at level 40. Paildramon is ExVeemon and Stingmon and level 5 (if you have Kabuterimon there is no need to worry about Stingmon for this). Raise Renamon to her ultimate, Taomon, and have Taomon's skill level reach 20 with her wind tolerance over 120. Once you have Kabuterimon and Imperialdramon, level them both to level 40 to get GranKuwagamon. Note: The Digivolutions explained here, such as Greymon to SkullGreymon and BlackWarGreymon can be done with their original Digimon (i.e. Agumon for Greymon, etc.)


When fishing, land and stop on the yellow space all the way. Otherwise, you will just get the local Digimon in the water there. If you cannot land on the yellow, land on the other color (blue) and you will be confused, You can then try again without fighting.


When you Digivolve Wargrowlmon and Kumamon together to make BladeGarrurumon, his attack will only be strong to the tolerances your Digimon have. For example, if Kumamon has strong Dark tolerance and Giulmon has strong Fire tolerance, it will only effect those two types. Before you DNA Digivolve, make sure you have your tolerance set correctly.


The easiest digimon to get Beelzemon with is Guilmon. Train Guilmon to level 40 to get Gallantmon, Gallantmon at level 10 will learn Grizzmon. Train Grizzmon to level 50 to get GrapLeomon. Train GrapLeomon's Dark Tolerance to 160 and his level to 20 and he will learn Devimon. Train Devimon to level 50, you will get Myotismon. Train Myotismon to level 99, you will get MaloMyotismon. Train him to level 40. If you have Gallantmon and MaloMyotismon at level 40, you will get Beelzemon.


When Kail says that she saw Baronmon, go to the Protocol Ruins. Go to the left where a ladder is located. Baronmon will be on top of the ladder.


Raise a Renamon and a Kotemon to level 10, then DNA Digivolve them. You can do this only if both of them are full of health and not K.O. (goes with all DNAs).


If you find yourself by the East Station house, you can find an Agumon under the top of the second tree from the top.

Name your Digimon

After you get the TNT chip, Boronomon will go back to the Shaman's House. You will see Boronomon there. When you talk to him twice, he will say that he learned how to name Digimon. You can now name your Digimon.

Permanent Digimon

Use the following trick get permanent Digimon such as Paildramon or Omnimon. For example, to get Paildramon permanently you must have a Digimon that can digivolve to Exveemon and Stingmon at level 5. To get Omnimon as well you must have a Digimon that can digivolve to Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon at level 40.

New partner Digimon

There are eight partner Digimon you can get. They are Agumon, Patamon, Veemon, Guilmon, Renamon, Kumamon, Kotemon, and Monmon. After the first three you get, you will need to find the Ultimate level Digimon for the rookie that you want. DRI people are in various locations and they will tell you which Ultimate Digimon they want DNA from. Defeat the Ultimate level Digimon to get the DNA. Take it back to the DRI person that wants it and you will get that rookie. For example, talk to DRI person in Tyranno Valley. He wants DNA from MetalGreymon. Go to Bulk Swamp to find MetalGreymon. Fight and defeat him to get the DNA. Take it back to the DRI person and he will put Agumon in your team. Go to Digimon Lab or see Piximon to switch to Agumon.

Getting the fishing rod

First, you must go to shell beach south of central park. There you will find an old man with a rod of his own. Talk to him and he will say he will make you a rod if you bring him a lure, rod and thread. You find the lure at Divermon lake. One of the Divermon has the red snapper lure stuck in his throat. Help him out and he will give it to you. The rod and thread are pretty simple to find. Go to Smith's shop in the beginning city and get a bamboo spear,which will be the rod. The thread can be found in Protocol Ruins. When you battle the Dokugomon there they sometimes leave the item spider web. That becomes the thread. Take these items to the guy and he will make the rod. With the rod you can cast in almost any water. When you do a bar appears at the bottom of the screen that will have sections of yellow, blue, and/or green. Stop the cursor that appears on the bar at blue and you don't catch anything. Stop it on green and you will battle some sort of water Digimon. Land on yellow and you shall battle a blue Cardmon that sort of looks like a fish. Beat him to get a booster pack of cards for card battles, but watch out for his curse attack.


When Zanbamon says he wont fight you go to Bulk bridge you will see Kial talk to her and she will say she saw Baronmon go to Protocol ruins.Go there and Baronmon will say "I can see the future,there are pigs everywhere!" Go to the inn and talk to one of the gatamon.It will say that Sepikamon has not been seen lately,he would be able to show that bully Zanbamon. Go to Shamon house and talk to it.Sepikamon will say"Please will you go find my mask?I cant go out without it.

Go to Azuka city,where the old man and lady that are trying to turn them self into digimon.Etamon will be there talk to him he will say that he saw it at Divermon lake.Go to Nick at Divermon lake and he will say "Have you seen Etamon,he has been pulling tricks on people." Go back to Etamon,talk to him and he will say "Mask...what mask? and then runs away.Go to Azuka sewers you will see Etamon.He says "Fine then take it!" He gives you the mask. Go to Shamon house,Sepikamon comes down from his hiding place and tells you to turn round.He will put the mask on.He will give you smelly herbs. Go to Zanbamon and he will let you past. Go through Jungle grave.And you will be in Pheonix bay.Go up and you will be in Ether jungle. In Ether jungle there is a place called Jungle shrine.Most of the time in Jungle shrine you find Numemon,they are quiet hard to beat.In Jungle shrine there is a place called Catacoom. At the top of Catacoom Zanbamon will be there.He will battle you.

Steps to Mirage Tower

Mirage Tower is easier to get to than most people think. The desert is a 5x5 box that loops around itself. When you want to get to the tower you enter the desert and your in box 1-3. Go DOWN to box 2-3, than DOWN to 3-3, than you go to the LEFT side of the screen through 3-2, LEFT through 3-1, and LEFT one more time will be Mirage Tower.






Shortcut to Amataraso server

If you can call digmon then you must go to a hole and go north/south to get there. If you are in Amataratso you can go north to get to Asuka and South to Amataraso. I mean it can only happen if you are in a hole.

Fewer Random Battles

To make sure you run into to no battles. While walking hold L1 and R1 and you will run into way less battles then usual.

Fast rookie level digivolve

If you are at Amataraso Server and you have a level 1 digimon take it in to battle and you must have enough life disk's and when your digimon is defeated use your back up digimon and then revive your digimon.if you defeated your oponent your digimon will not gain level 2 he will gain level 4 or 5 or maybe level 6.

See at vendor's WWW page


Digimon World

Cheat mode

Start a new game and enter a name. After the FMV sequence ends, hold Triangle + Square + Circle. A menu should appear. Release the buttons and check your inventory to find all kinds of items. Feed your Digimon with something. If he shakes his head, quickly press Triangle + Square + Circle again. If he eats it, quickly press Triangle + Square + Circle again. Depending what was fed, he will turn into different kinds of monsters. If you are not satisfied with that monster, hold Triangle + Square + Circle immediately after the monster changes and feed him with something else. Release the buttons when you are satisfied with your monster. When you're satisfied with your monster, release the three buttons.

Get Kunemon

To get Kunemon, first defeat Kunemon. Then take a In-training digimon and have it go to sleep in Kunemon's Bed. There is a 50% chance he'll evolve into Kunemon.

Get Sukamon

Take an Rookie or Champion Digimon and let its crap/virus scale reach full. It will evolve into Sukamon.

Evolve your digimon

While your digimon is digivolving then press select + start + triangle + square + circle + square. You'll then see the digimon's name flash. When this happens press square and select the name of the digiMon you want your digimon To evolve to.

Get all Digimon

To get all the Digimons, you have to do this. Press trinangle + start + circle + select at start menu. If you do this code correctly you will hear Tai say "I'm finally a digimon master!!!"

Get Gabumon

To get Gabumon, when you start a new game and Jijimon asks you questions say you don't have a digivice and you don't have any friends, and you will get Gabumon instead of Agumon

Easy Money

Buy a Meramon card from the secret card shop for 500 bits then enter the lava cave and talk to the demimeramon in the last screen. He will give you 1500 bits for the meramon card.

Easy bits

Go to the drill tunnel and talk to the mole digimon and do a job for him and you will get 500 bits.

Get Mega Seadramon

Feed your Digimon coral ring.

How to learn Thunder Justice

Get Monzeamon and go to toy land.(Make sure you have a lot of MP med recovery's, and HP med recovery's, about 20 HP rec. and 10 MP rec. )Then make sure your digimon sleeps then save it. Then go to the little robot space ship for a little Tinmon to open the Toy land mansion door.Then go inside till you reach two box's. Piick the little one then beat Warumonzeamon. After you beat him it will say "Thunder Justice Learned". If it doesn't restart the game and do it all over again till you learn it.

Note: When Warumonzeamon gives you a gear don't give it back to Tinmon until you get 97 digimon in you city and beating Machinedramon.

Red Key Chain

Once you get in to Facterial town, and get numemon to yuor city. Go back to the sewers and then you'll find Nanimon. Once you talk to him he will run then drops a blue key chain.(Can also find him to drop blue key chain in anceint speedy region were Meteormon is.) Then go to were you beat the bandits in there orge fortress in the Grand caynon. Then Nanimon will drop a red key chain.

Get Frigimon to your city

Go to freeze land with a fire digimon Agumon, Greymon, Meramon, ect. Then wait where an igloo is until your digimon freezes. (Note: Frigimon will save him.) Then go back to him once your digimon digivolves.

Digivolve to Centarimon

Get a Agumon and get it's HP up to 4000, and it's MP up to 3000 and it might digivolve to Centarimon.

How to carry more items

Go to Greymon's arena and win 100 champion wins. Then he will give you a braclet.


Leave an Agumon near the toilet in File city and it will digivolve to Meramon.


When your city points are at 36, go to the Tropical Jungle at night. When you pass the Digimon Bridge, go down. Piximon is under the tree with the bananas. Note: If you defeat her, she is only going to sell you a Training Manual for 50000 bits.


Get a Betamon and get it's HP and MP up to 1000. It also should weigh close to 30.


You must have a Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, or Whamon in your city to get Mamemon. Get your Digimon's HP up to 3000, MP up to 5000, Offence up to 500, Defence up to 300, Speed up to 400, and Brains up to 400. It is also Possible that your digimon 's happiness must be at the maximum.

Glitch:Giromon's jukebox

When you get Giromon and ask's you to choose a song do not scroll up and down or it will freeze.


Get a Coalamon and transform him to Sukamon, then go to king of Sukamon and he might digivolve to Megaseadramon.


When you have Etemon, fight at least 25 digimon a champion digimon a day for 3 days and make his HP 5000 and all other stats 550 and you will get Metaletemon.

Getting Metalgreymon

You must have either Greymon, Monochromon, Meramon, Tryannomon or Drimogemon. Have ten or less care mistakes (not feeding, sleeping, resting or getting to the bathroom in time). He has to be 65 pounds. And have HP4000 MP3000 Offence500 Defence500 Speed 300 and Brains 300. Or just get a item called metal parts and give it to a champion.

No sukamon

When you get Sukamon, just go talk to king Sukamon at Trash mountain and when he asks you a question say the bottom one and he will turn your digimon back to what it was before.


In order to find Omegamon and to get him in the city. Please follow these rules:

1. Your digimon must have expirenced the Ultimate Level before facing him.

2. Your digimon must have only 3-4 characters in his/her name.

3. Your digimon must have these status.

HP: 9999

MP: 9999

Def: 1000-2000

Speed: 1000-2000

Brain: 1000-2000

Off: 1000-2000

Virius: [ zero ]

Happy Bar: [ 50/50 ]

Angry Bar: [ 50/50 ]

Then go to Greymon's Arena and then defeat the "S" Cup and then go to the misty trees. Go to where you found Cherrymon and then stay there until it has passed 6 days. If this is going to work, on the sixth day, it should have been 4 years and 18 days. If this is correct, then at night Omegamon will arrive. He will look like Skull Greymon but except he has a shield.


/ OMEGAMON \______________________________________

_______________| HP: 9999 MP: 9999 Def: 2000

| Speed: 2000 Brain: 999

| Off: 2000



_______________| Omegamon is a real killer. He can do 1000-2000 damage to you on one go. He can alos take your items and use it on himself. He can regenerate his HP and MP when he turns blue. This is his regen bar:

Blue- HP and MP Restored

Green- Speed and Brain Increased

Purple- Off. and Def. Increased

Red- WARNING! Attack Damage is Increased!

The deadliest one is RED which will alow him to do a massive record of 5000-8000 damage.

His attacks are:

Name | Damage | MP Required | Special

Urban Legend 300 146 ---

Energy Cannon 400 400 ---

Giga Return 278 1000 Poison


Omega Beam 9999 0 ---

Watch out for his special attack, Omega Beam can wipe you out in one blast but if you manage to miss the attack then consider you lucky.

If you defeat him, Omegamon will join you if you defeat him again. Choose "YES" to battle again or "NO" for him to go to the city and fight other contenders in Greymon;s Arena. If he comes to the city, he will become a sales man and he wil sell you free stuf for life and which other shops sell their good items cost lots, his items costs free!!! [ The only way to get him to the city and not only to battle in greymon's arena is to beat him and if you do, he will give you all the medals and heal you and also bring you back to File City.

Multiple keys in Digimon shop

If you go to the Digimon shop in Gear Sevanna after you lost the mansion key, buy it. Then, buy it again at the same spot. Even though the spot is empty a chart, a buy screen will appear. After the second purchase you should see the key, and instead of nothing or 1, a triangle 9. Now you can buy it as many times as needed.

Get Amazing Rod

Meet ShogunGekomon and give him some cards, except the card of yourself. The more precious card you give him, the more points you get. If you collect 300 points, pay him 300 points and you can get an amazing rod.

Enter Ice Sanctuary in Freezeland

Only Vaccine type digimon can enter the sanctury.These are the examples of Vaccine Type digimon: Agumon, Greymon, Airdramon, Monzaemon, Kabuterimon, Garurumon, Angemon, Frigimon, Birdramon, Whamon,Unimon, Andromon, Giromon, Biyomon, Palmon, Kokatorimon, Leomon, Mojymon, and Phoenixmon.

Faster training

Wait approximately ten seconds from when your Digimon begins to train, then press Circle. If done correctly, training will end, but your Digimon will still gain the normal amount of experience.

Quick Digivolve

Train your Digimon in HP but do not continue it. Do this as many times as you can. Note: This can only be done on a fresh, in-training, and rookie Digimon.

Enter Graylord's mansion on OverDell

Your Digimon partner must be a virus digimon. Examples of Virus Digimons are: Betamon, Devimon, Numemon, MetalGreymon, Kabuterimon, Vegiemon, SkullGreymon, Vademon, Kunemon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Sukamon, Etemon, Kuwagamon, Nanimon, or MegaDramon. Any other Digimon will not be allowed to enter.

Digi Catfish and Digi Seabass

Go to ancient dino region where there is an vending machine try it a few times until you have about 4 steaks (moldy meat) then go to dragon eye lake and go to the left of the screen and fish as far as possible with moldy meat. The catfish will be attracted by it pull your rod to the shore catch the catfish and then go to the left screen. fish with the Catfish this time the catfish will atrract the digi Seabass. catch them by pulling your rod to the shore when you catch them you can sell the seabass for 4000 bits and if you feed the digi sea bass it will restore fully MP and HP weight +4. WARNING: if you feed your digimon with seabass it may get sick !(catfish makes your digimon very full weight +5)

All kinds of stuff you can find

BLUE APPLE can be found in native forest by the digimon bridge and near the house of etemon.

(effect: makes digimon happy)

ORANGE BANANA I found it where you can find piximon OR FOLLOW THIS: go to tropical jungle on the route from digimon bridge go east and you may find it.

(effect: fully restores your digimons HP MP)

ICE MUCHROOM can be found north of the toilet in Freezeland.

(effect: boosts discipline)

PRICKLY PEAR i found it near the elivator in great canyon near the road to freezeland.

(effect: weight -10)

BIG BERRY i found it on the exit of drill tunnel just press go thru and you will end up at MT.panorama just walk a little south of the screen

(effect: weight +10)

SWEET NUT i found it a bit hided under a tree where sharmamon walk a bit south in gear savanna near a vending machine.

(effect: fully recovers your digimons HP).

POWER FRUIT can be found at overdell cemetary a bit left of the screen (or sirloin).

(effect: recovers fully your digimons MP).

DELUXE MUSHROOM i found it under a small bush near etemons house but also on overdell under the shadow of a small hill.

(effect: boosts all abilaties by 10).

MOLDY MEAT can be got from the vending in ancient dino region it is used to lure digicatfish near the shore at dragon eye lake.

(effect: makes digimon somewhat full BUT ALSO SICK!!!!!!) recomended not to use on digimon but for digicatfish>

HAPPY MUSHROOM found in native forest in a few areas,and in overdell cemetery grand canyon,coela point,tropical jungle,freeze land.

(effect: boosts happyness but digimon may get sick).


To get hercules-kabuterimon you have to be able to get to beetle land.then get a strong insectiod digimon and win the tournament. If you win you will get the beetlepearl that lets you digivolve to hercules-kabuterimon.

See at vendor's WWW page


Digimon Rumble Arena


Play the game under any difficulty setting without losing a round (not a continue). During the fight with the last Digimon before Reapermon, BlackWarGreymon will challenge you. Defeat him and Reapermon without losing a round to unlock him.


Enter KIMJOY as a password.


Enter LINMON as a password.


Successfully complete the game with all three season three characters.


Enter MINNYN as a password.


Enter SERIUS as a password. Alternately, successfully complete the game with Gabumon and Agumon.


Successfully complete the game once.


Enter KENSAN as a password. Alternately, successfully complete the game with Renamon.


Enter QRIOUS as a password.

Get digivolved form

To receive anyone's digivolved form, successfully complete the game with them.

Get Mega form

To receive anyone's Mega form, successfully complete the single player game with that person. You cannot be a Mega in single player mode.

Play as same Digimon

To play as the same digimon as your opponent, hilight your opponent's digimon, hold SELECT & O, then press X. Player 2 will be a different color.

Change Tamer's Costume

NOTE: This only works on these Digimon:

gumon- arGreymon- Gabumon- MetalGarurumon- Patamon- Seraphimon-


On the Select Digimon screen, hilight one of the above Digimon and hold R1, L1, & O then press X. The Tamer will be different.

Special Digimon

Go to password at the main menu, and put in ROYBOY to get a mega digimon--WarGreymon or BlackWarGreymon!

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Die Hard Trilogy 2: Viva Las Vegas

Level select

At the main menu, press L1(2), Circle(2), Square(2).

Third person mode codes


Pause the game and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2.

All weapons

Pause the game and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L1.

Infinite ammunition and grenades

Pause the game and press L1, L1, R1, R1, Circle, Circle.

First person view

Pause the game and press Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square.

Dampen camera

Pause the game and press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square.

Disable laser sight

Pause the game and press L1, L1, Triangle, Triangle, L1, L1, L1.

Slow rockets

Pause the game and press L1, R1, R1, L1, Triangle, Square.

Big head mode

Pause the game and press R1, R1, L1, L1, Triangle, Triangle.

Electronic mode

Pause the game and press Square, Square, L1, L1, R1, R1.

Skeleton mode

Pause the game and press Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle.

Head pop off

Pause the game and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, R1, R1.

Funk mode

Pause the game and press Circle, Circle, Square, Square, L1, L1.

Shooting mode codes


Pause the game and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2.

All weapons

Pause the game and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L1.

Infinite ammunition

Pause the game and press L1, L1, R1, R1, Circle, Circle.

Slow rockets

Pause the game and press L1, R1, R1, L1, Triangle, Square.


Pause the game and press Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle.

Slow-mo mode

Pause the game and press Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1

Driving mode codes


Pause the game and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2.

Infinite nitro

Pause the game and press L1, L1, R1, R1, Circle, Circle.

Infinite time

Pause the game and press L1, R1, Square, Square, R1, L1.

Rainy weather

Pause the game and press Square, Square, L1, L1, Triangle, Circle.

No body

Pause the game and press L1, R1, R1, L1, L1, R1.

Snake car

Pause the game and press Circle, Square, R1, R1, Circle, L1, Circle.

First Person View

Press start when playing the game and press Circle twice, Triangle twice, Square twice during the adventure scene of the game. The screen should flash, and CHEAT ENABLED shout appear.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Die Hard Trilogy




Level Skip=d,o,l,b,u,b,l, now press start on controller 2

to acsess a level skip:Press right to cycle through the levels.

Invicible Mode=r,u,d,b.

Unlimited Ammo=r,u,d,d,b,r.

50 grenades=r,b,d,o.

Skeletin Mode=t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,r,r,r,r.

Silly Mode d,o,o,d,t,d now the baddies bend over and fire between there legs!haahhaha

Fat mode=r,b,b,d.

Speech Speed=d,b,b,r.

Screeming plants=o,o,b,b,r shoot the plants and listen!

Floating dead=d,b,t,d. Now the baddies will float to heaven!!! heheDIEhehehehehe


Invincible Mode=d,t,r,b you will still get hurt but won't die.

Max Specials=r,b,l,o,t,d.Give 99 grenades and 99 rockets!! DIEhahahehehe

Odd shaped people=l,t,r,d.They will now be extreamly tall or short and F A T!

Skeletin Mode=d,b,t,d. Do it again for normall mode!


No clock/Level Skip=r,u,d,b Verious Letters and Numbers should apper on the screen. On the second controller, press START and some cheat options hshould apper. Then press t to toggle the clock on/off. Move right on the d-pad to advance through the levels. Also while playing press o on the second controller will advance to the next bomb.

Infinity Lives=l,o,d,b,r.

Infinity Turbos=o,o,b,b,d,d,x,x.

Infinity SUPER turbos=o,r,d,b,t,l.

GIANT cars=l,t,r,d.

Extra View=d,o,d,o.

Flat Shade mode=d,u,l,r,r,d,u,l,l,d,l,l.

Fergus Mode=o,d,d,t,x,b.

Slow Motion=l,u,l,l,b,d.

Odd Mode=o,d,d,b,r. Repeat 3 times for 3 diff veiws.

Weird Buildings=r,b,l,t,x,b,d.

Car Hanger=r,o,l,l,b,d.

Cloudy Sky=d,b,t,d,b,b,t.

If any code don't work e-mail me on adriav@ezy.net.au


Floating enemies

Press pause while in the building and hold R2 then press down, square, triangle, down.

Skeleton mode

Press pause while in the building and hold R2 then press triangle 10 times, and right 4 times.

Fat mode

Press pause while in the building and hold R2 then press right, square, square, down.

Unlimited ammo with all guns

Push pause while playing the building and hold R2 then push right, up, down, down, square, right.

God mode

While playing the game with the building press start for pause and hold R2 then push right, up, down, square.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com



Attribute Trick

If you don't have enough of one attribute to use a weapon, helmet, or armor then put a ring or amulet that will give you enough of one attribute to use it. Apply the ring or amulet then put the item on then take the ring off and the item won't turn red and you can still use it. Note this only works if the item you want to use gives you points to the attribute you need to boost.

Duplicate Cheat

Need cash and equipment fast? Well if you have two controllers this is the cheat for you! All you need to do is start a two-player game and load two characters or load one and start a new one. Now transfer all gold and any equipment to one character. Save that character and start a new game again. When you load the character all you need to do is sell stuff and build a gold pile. Save again then repeat the process as needed.

Easy Money

All you have to do is create a character and save him the pick a 2 player game and load the same character for both players. VOALA! You have 10,000g for each player! keep doing this til' you have 1,000,000g and you have money forever!

Phantom Duplication Trick

Note: This trick will work with any item you can place in your belt (potions & scrolls) but the duplicate items are phantoms and will only exist in your inventory!

To perform this cheat, the item you wish to duplicate must be in your belt. You also need 9 items you can drop. Find a location that has an open space at least 4x4 in size and stand in the middle of it. Drop 9 items from your main inventory. This will create a square of 8 items around you with you in the middle standing on the 9th item.

Return to your inventory screen and replace one of the items in your belt with the item you want to duplicate. When you've done that, highlight the item in your belt that you want to duplicate, press the X button, then press the triangle button. You'll be returned to the game screen and a duplicate of the item you highlighted on your inventory screen will drop outside the square of items. Go pick up this item and return to the middle of the square of dropped items and repeat the process until you have duplicated as many items as you want.

IMPORTANT: The item you want to duplicate MUST be in your belt, not your main inventory, for this trick to work.

The items you create using this trick will work just like the real thing and they will sell for the same price as the real thing, but if you attempt to drop the duplicate it will vanish! Also, if you attempt to save your game with a phantom object in your inventory, you'll get an error and could possibly lose your previously saved game as well, so be forewarned.

The best way to take advantage of this cheat is to use the duplicated items immediately. For example: dup an Identify scroll to identify an item and save the 100 gold piece fee; dup Strength, Magic, Dexterity, Vitality or Spectral Elixirs and immediately use them to boost your stats; dup that *Rare* and expensive scroll to make some quick cash!



Every time you drink, your hitpoints go up


-1 to one stat, +1 to some other


Casts Infravision spell


Every time you drink, your mana goes up



Has all the other effects at random


Has all the other effects at random


"The hands of Men may be guided by Faith" Gives +2 to Dexterity. (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute)


"Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith." Gives +2 to Strength (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute)


"Power comes from your disorientation..." Casts Nova spell in the room you're in, doesn't hurt you, but hurts others in the room (and refills your mana)


"Drink and be refreshed" Restores both health and mana and either one full health and one full mana or two rejuvenation potions appear


"Knowledge and wisdom comes at the cost of self" Gives +2 to Magic (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute)


"Azure and Crimson become as the sun" Potions (heal and mana) become rejuvenation


"Magic is not always what it seems to be" Takes one spell down 1 level and enhances others by 1 level


"Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom" Permanent mana loss (%), gain 2 levels to Fire Bolt (even if you don't have it yet...)


"Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason" All unidentified items are identified


"Those who defend, seldom attack" All weapons get -1 to maximum damage (i.e. before 4-8, now 4-7) All armors go up by 1 or 2 points


"New strength flows from destruction" Takes 10 dur from one equiped item and gives it to another.


"Wherever you go, there you are" Phasing spell


"A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts" Gives +2 to Dexterity (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute)


"While the spirit is vigilant, the body thrives" Casts a Mana Shield spell


"Some are weakened as one grows strong" One characteristic gets +5, the others -1


"Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom." Permanent mana loss (%), gain 2 levels to Holy Bolt (even if you don't have it yet...)


"The essence of life flows from within" Gives +2 to Vitality (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute)


"Time cannot diminish the powers of steel" Restores the durability of all your items to the maximum.


"Energy comes at the cost of wisdom" Permanent mana loss (%), gain 2 levels to Charged Bolt (even if you don't have it yet...)


"The way is made clear when viewed from above" Gives you a map of the current level


"Riches abound when you least expect it" All empty slots are filled with cash, how much, depends on the level (If you get this from a cauldron, it's a lot more than just those 5-10 at early levels)


"Where avarice fails patience gains a reward" All others that are playing with you, get their hitpoints back


"Power of Mana refocused renews" Renews mana and recharges staffs


"Those who are last, may yet be first" Affects all characters in the game. The person who used the shrine gets a random +1 stat, and everyone else gets a -1 on all stats.


"What once was open, is now closed." Closes and refills all chests.


"The sword of justice is swift and sharp" +1 to maximum damage of all your weapons (i.e. before 4-8, now 4-9)

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


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