World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution
Bonus players
Win the master league to unlock new players that can be signed. Note: This can be done up to three times for more players. Also, complete all the training challenges.
England Classic team
Play as England and win the European Cup.
Holland Classic team
Play as Holland and win the European Cup.
Germany Classic team
Play as Germany and win the European Cup.
Brazil Classic team
Play as Brazil and win the American Cup.
Argentina Classic team
Play as Argentina and win the American Cup.
European All-Stars team
Play as a European team and win the International Cup.
World All-Stars team
Win the International League.
Italy Classic team
Play as Italy and win the European Cup.
France Classic team
Play as France and win the European Cup.
World Series Baseball 2K3
Building a good team
Start a franchise or season. When you get to the season, go into the "Edit" category and select your player. Choose to move the player to another team. You then can have any desired star on your team. After your first season you will lose some players due to the fact you will be over budget, but you can do this trick again. To get better ratings for other players, do the same thing by selecting a player and then editing the desired category up or down.
Get ejected
Hit a player while pitching three or four times and you will be ejected.
World Championship Pool 2004
Place ball where you want
Press Up, Down(3), Left, Right, Down, Up at the start menu. The sound of a rack break will confirm correct code entry.
Wario World
Unlock Selected 1: Dodge Balls
At Greenhorn Ruins get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Selected 2: UFO Assist
At Wonky Circus get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Selected 3: Jumpin Rope
At Beanstalk Way get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Selected 4: Munch A Bunch
At Pecan Sands get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 1: Wario Whirled
At Greenhorn Forrest get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 2: Heads Up
At Horror Manor get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 3: Gold Digger
At Shivering Mountains get all 8 treasures.
Unlock Trial Version 4: Lickety Split
At Mirror Mansion get all 8 treasures.
Earn the Best Castle
Find all 40 Spritelings before beating the final boss to get the best castle (and best ending).
Infinite Coins
When fighting DinoMighty, grab her tail and wait until she raises it above her head. Perfom a Ground Pound (A + R Button). She'll drop a lot of coins. This stuns, but does not damage her. Repeat as often as you like to get an inifinite number of coins.
Pac-Man World 2
Do not lose wedge
If you do a butt-bounce when you are falling from a high place, you will not lose a wedge. Note: Make sure that you do not fall off a cliff or platform.
Pre-production art and programmers
Collect 150 tokens during game play to unlock the "Museum" option.
Music test
Collect 60 tokens during game play to unlock the "Jukebox" option.
Pac-Mania mini-game
Collect 100 tokens during game play to unlock the classic Pac-Mania arcade game.
Pac-Attack mini-game
Collect 30 tokens during game play to unlock the classic Pac-Attack arcade game.
Pac-Man mini-game
Collect 10 tokens during game play to unlock the classic Pac-Man arcade game.
Rampage World Tour
Reach the food
During the bonus rounds stay close to the center of the screen so you will be able to reach the food before it flies by.
Pac-Man World
Extra continues
Select classic mode. Then before pressing Start to begin a game, press Select to raise the number of continues up to ninety-nine.