NHL FaceOff 2000
Tip: Offense
To hit the One-Timer shot, press X and then Square.
Hold down the X button for the Give-and-Go.
To take a slap shot, hold down the Square to wind up all the way.
To take a snapshot, hold down the Square to wind up halfway, and release it to shoot.
To leave the Drop Pass, press Triangle.
To get a Speed Burst while skating, hold down the Circle key.
To Fake the shot, hold down the Square button to wind up, then tap Square during your backswing.
To Redirect a shot, hold down Square then X during your backswing.
To use Icon Passing, hold down L2 and press either X, Square, Circle, Triangle, or R2.
Tip: Defense
To switch players on Defense, press X.
To switch to your goalie, hold down X.
To Hip Check, hold Circle and D-pad Left or Right while skating backwards.
To Shoulder Check, hold Circle and D-pad Left or Right.
To use Icon Switching, hold down L2 and press either X, Square, Circle, Triangle, or R2.
To change defensive strategies, press L1.
To assign Icons, press L2.
To change lines, press R2.
While manually controlling your goalie, press Square to have your goalie make a save.
Tip: Options
Create a Free Agent player with the type of skills that can help your team to the play-offs.
Make trades in order to fill holes in your lines.
Release players who are not making the cut.
Sign Free Agents to add leadership or key ingredients to your team.
Use a memory card to keep track of individual and team records.
Use a memory card to save a game or a season in progress.
In Instant Replay mode, operate the Free-Cam by holding L1 and using the D-pad.
In Free-Cam mode, press Triangle to raise the camera.
In Free-Cam mode, press X to lower the camera.
Get rid of injuries
To get rid of ALL injuries (including opponents), when you finish with a game go to Injury Report and then get out of Injury Report. Keep going in and out of Injury Report to eliminate all injuries.
NFL Gameday 2000
Easter Eggs
Go to the Easter Egg menu and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding feature:
GLOVES Receivers catch better (submitted by: jboyd_2@hotmail.com)
JUICE Super speed bursts
PISTON Super stiff arm
EVEN TEAMS All players have equal abilities
HOME COOKING No penalties for home team
DAVIS Running back is juiced
SLIDE SHOW Cycle through cheerleaders after game
GD CHALLENGE Hidden difficulty level
SLOW CPU Very slow CPU players
GOLIATH Large players
PENCILS Tall and thin players
FLEA CIRCUS Tiny players
NFL Blitz 2000
Cheat Codes
Enter these codes on the Matchup screen. The numbers tell how many times press the TURBO, JUMP and PASS buttons. For example, 5-2-5 means:
Press TURBO 5 times. Press JUMP 2 times. Press PASS 5 times.
Result Code
Infinite turbo 5-1-4 Up
Fast turbo running 0-3-2 Left
Turn off stadium 5-0-0 Left
Late hits 0-1-0 Up
Day stadium 5-0-1 Down
City stadium 5-0-1 Left
Old night stadium 5-0-2 Up
Night stadium 5-0-2 Down
Snow field 3-0-4 Up
Power-up teammates 2-3-3 Up
Power-up offense 3-1-2 Up
Power-up defense 4-2-1 Up
Green Bay Packers playbook 1-2-2 Left
Allow stepping out of bounds 2-1-1 Left
No first downs 2-1-0 Up
No punting 1-5-1 Up
Fog on 0-3-0 Down
Thick fog on 0-4-1 Down
Weather: clear 2-1-1 Left
Future stadium 5-0-2 Left
Old snow stadium 5-0-3 Up
Snow stadium 5-0-3 Down
Roman stadium 5-0-3 Left
Grass field 3-0-0 Up
Fast passes 2-5-0 Left
Power-up blockers 3-1-2 Left
Super blitzing 0-4-5 Up
Super field goals 1-2-3 Left
No interceptions 3-4-4 Up
Big football 0-5-0 Right
Big head 2-0-0 Right
Huge head 0-4-0 Up
No head 3-2-1 Left
Headless team 1-2-3 Right
Team tiny players 3-1-0 Right
Team big players 1-4-1 Right
Team big heads 2-0-3 Right
Old day stadium 5-0-1 Up
Dirt field 3-0-2 Up
No random fumbles 4-2-3 Down
Asphalt field 3-0-1 Up
Show field goal % 0-0-1 Down
Show punt hang meter 0-0-1 Right
Use team plays 1-0-0 Up
Hide receiver name 1-0-2 Right
Invisible receiver highlight 3-3-3 Left
Invisible 4-3-3 Up
Astroturf field 3-0-3 Up
Weather: snow 5-2-5 Down
Weather: rain 5-5-5 Right
Night game 0-2-2 Right
Requires 2 player agreement:
No play selection 1-1-5 Left
Show more field 0-2-1 Right
No CPU assistance 0-1-2 Down
Power-up speed 4-0-4 Left
Hyper blitz 5-5-5 Up
Only in one-player game:
Smart CPU opponent 3-1-4 Down
Only in two-player game:
Tournament mode 1-1-1 Down
Requires 2 human teammates:
Always quarterback 2-2-2 Left
Always receiver 2-2-2 Right
Hidden Players
Select The "Enter Name For Record Keeping" option and enter one of the following player names and pin numbers.
Alec 1197
Alien 1111
Aob 1111
Aubrey 7777
Azpod 4777
Beth 7761
Billz 0526
Boxer 2111
Brain 2221
Brian 0818
Caleb 0996
Carltn 1111
Curtis 1111
Daniel 0604
David 3333
Dbn 6969
Dino 1111
Ed 3246
Eddie 3333
Forden 1111
Franz 1010
Gatson 1111
Gene 0310
Gentil 1111
Grinch 0222
Grinch 2220
Guido 2222
Guido 6765
Gumby 8698
Japple 6660
Jason 3141
Jeff 1111
Jimk 5651
John 5158
Josh 4288
Jove 6644
Lex 7777
Lt 7777
Luis 3333
Marka 1112
Mike 3333
Mitch 4393
Monty 1836
Moose 1111
Mxv 1014
Nathan 0515
Nico 4440
Paula 0425
Paulo 0517
Pirate 1111
Punkb 2112
Punkr 1221
Raiden 3691
Ralph 1111
Randu 6666
Rog 8148
Root 6000
Ryan 1029
Sad 1111
Sal 0201
Shinok 8337
Shrunk 6666
Shun 0530
Skull 1111
Smile 1111
Thug 1111
Todd 1122
Trex 1111
Turmel 0322
Van 1234
Whodat 1844
NCAA March Madness 2000
The more you sprint your players, the more fatigued they become. And the more fatigued they become, the worse they'll shoot. Use the R1 Sprint button only when you're planning to dish off to someone else or for quick bursts.
Your most formidable foe is the blocked shot. Practice fakes and try to work the ball around to an open man--you can usually find one, with a little persistence. Shoot only when an opposing player is not situated directly in front of you.
Your greatest weapon is the Dynamic Ball Control feature. It'll undoubtedly take a while to learn the complex multibutton procedures, but with them you can create a ton of open space. And that's just what you need to successfully navigate a Senior dynasty.
To prevent a never-ending string of "reaching in" fouls, especially at the game's more intensive difficulty levels, use only your defensive specialists when attempting a steal. Consult the stats section to find out who they are.
Always monitor the Momentum meter. When momentum is going your way, shoot as much as possible. When it's not, slow the play down or take a time-out to dull the enthusiasm of the crowd.
The game permits a surprising number of successful three-pointers if you shoot from the edge of the arc and get the ball to an open man and take advantage of a full jump.
Because the game generally clogs the key with plenty of shot-blocking defenders, working the ball inside often isn't worth the effort. Instead, move around the periphery and set up shots from just inside the key.
Use the optional icon-based Passing mode and set plays to get the ball up-court quickly and catch the defensive team unawares.
Access Secret Teams
In Exhibition Mode enter the user name: EASPORTS.
NCAA GameBreaker 2000
Various Cheats
At the Easter Egg Menu, enter any of the following "Codes":
BEAT DOWN = All Player Attributes Set to 99
BUILDER = Better Players
BOOST = Stronger Defense in Simulated Season
SC = Win All Simulated Games
Golden = Great Recruits
NCAA Football 2000
Console Patch Codes
Disables the pre-play television cameras for those that don't like it.
Difficulty easier than Junior Varsity (Select JV mode to initiate).
Second team All-American Difficulty level (Select AA mode to initiate) for those that can't run well on AA level.
Disables the demo mode at the main menu when game is running and not in use.
Bonus team codes
BRUTUS 1970 Ohio State
SCHOONER 1971 Oklahoma
HEDGES 1976 Georgia
GOFOR2 1983 Nebraska
MIRACLE 1984 Boston College
FATIGUES 1986 Miami
MONSTERD 1987 Miami
HURTQB 1988 West Virginia
GREENGANG 1994 Oregon
ALMOSTNO.1 1994 Penn State
TURNOVER 1997 Washington State
SPLITVOTE 1997 Michigan
SMOKEY 1997 Tennessee
Unlock all stadiums
Always intercept
Faster daytime
Always recieve the ball
View CPU play
Extra long kicks
Get point for knocking the referee
View intro FMV
View entire ranking
100 % tackling capability
Max all recruiting points
Fully loaded stats team
Ball Spike
L1 + L2 + Circle
Heisman Pose
L1 + L2 + X
Muscle Flexing
L1 + L2 + Square
Back Flip
L1 + L2 + Triangle
Spin the Ball
L1 + L1 + R1
NBA Shootout 2000
Cheat Menu
After pausing the game, hold L2 + R2 + Triangle + Square + X. Continue to hold these buttons and a Cheat Menu will be displayed. Press Up or Down to scroll through the cheats and press L1 or L2 to toggle them.
Perfect "created player"
Enter the create a player screen. After you enter the name of your player go to the player stats screen. Go down to overall and put it as far up as you can. Then, pick 5 or more stats other than overall and put them to the least amount they can be. Then, go back to overall and put it as far up as you can. Do this over and over until everything is 99, then do it one more time for more points then go up and change your dunk and shot percents.