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Muppet Racemania

Cheat codes

Use these in the screen were the muppets are shooting each other and racing over the Muppets Racemania Logo. You will get a massage if you succeed.

Unlock the 24 main characters

Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

Unlock all Muppets and vehicles

Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle.

Unlock the studio

Square, Square, Circle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Ssquare.

Unlock arches

Square, Circle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle.

Unlock Fraggle Rock

X, Square, X, Square, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square.

Unlock The End under options including 6 overhead tracks

Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X.

Finish Muppet Racemania

Collect all stages's star & you will gain a new line in your option that have fun things, such as new races.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Muppet Monster Adventure

All morphs

Press Circle, R2, Circle, Left, Right, R2, Up, Down, Circle, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

99 lives

Press Up(2), Down, Left, Right, Square, Up, Left, Right, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Ballistic chicken weapon

Press Square(2), Circle, Square, Circle(2), Square(2), Circle, Square at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

+1000 Pickups

Press Square, R2, Circle, Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, L2, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

+10 Muppet Tokens

Press Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, Square, L2, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited sub-game time

Press Down, L2, R2(2), Up, L1(2), R1, Down, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all gallery items

Press Square, Left, Circle, Right, Down, Up, Square, Down, Circle, Down at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all levels

Press Up(2), Square, Down(2), Circle, Left, Square, Right, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Level select from main menu

Press R2(4), R1, L1(3), R1, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle invincibility

Press L2, R2, R1, L1, R2, L2, R2, R1, L1, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle debug information

Press Up, Right, R2, Square, Left, R1, Left, Up, Left, L2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Tunnel soak/consecutive level load

Press L2, L1(2), R1, R2(3), Square, Left, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle fly cam

Press Square, Left, R2, Up, R1, L2, R1, Up, R2, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Easy Muppet coins

The Muppet coins will reappear in previous levels in the same locations. Simply defeat the previously beaten opponent to spawn the coin again.

Alternate ending sequence

Get a 100% game completion.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Mummy, The

Cheats, the hard way

To unlock cheats, complete the game with the following minimal completion percentages.

Granted Wish - Minimum completion percentage

All weapons - any completion percentage

All cheats - 78% completion

Unlimited health - 65% completion

Unlimited lives - 60% completion

Unlimited ammunition - 55% completion

Bonus level - 50% completion

Cheats, the easy way

If you don't want to finish the game with completion percentages, you can use these codes instead. During a game, pause, and Quit. Select the "Replay Level" option and go to "Bonus Game Modes". From there, enter the following codes:

Granted Wish - Cheat Code

Bonus level - Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X

Invincibility - Triangle, X, Circle (x2), Square, X, Triangle, Square.

Infinite lives - Circle (x2), Triangle, Circle, X, Square (x2), X

All weapons - Circle, Square, Circle, X (x2), Triangle (x2), Square

Infinite ammunition - X, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle

Note: The only way to unlock all the cheats is to do it the hard way and get 78% completion.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com



Level skip

At the main menu, press L1(2), L2, R1, R2, R2, Square. Then, press X during the game to advance to the next level.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


MTV Sports: TJ Lavin’s Ultimate BMX

Get to the secret level "Warehouse Rock"

When your are playing the level TJ Backyard, then there is a key by the old van. When you can get it, the key will unlock "Warehouse Rock".

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


MTV Sports: Skateboarding

Cheat mode

In lifestyle mode, use PASWRD as a name.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


MTV Sports: Pure Ride

Unlock characters

Unlocked Character - Action to perform

Brad Schuffele - Get in 1st place in the Etnies Thirty Two Cup on Tour Challange Mode

Michele Taggart - Get in 1st place in the MTV Sports Finals on Tour Challange Mode

Marc Montoyae - Get in 1st place in the Swiss Army Open on Tour Challange Mode

Blaise Rosenthal - Get in 1st place in the Sims Invitational on Tour Challange Mode

Bones - Finish all Specialist Slopstyle events

Oakey - Finish all Specialist Halfpipe events

Pecker - Finish all Specialist Big Air events

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


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