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Gundam Battle Assault

Hidden Fighters

Ball - Finish the game with all characters on any difficulty setting.

Big Zam - Finish the game on the easy difficulty setting.

Gundam - Finish the game with all Suits on the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Hydra G - Finish the game on the hard difficulty setting with out losing.

Psycho Mk III - Finish the game on the hard difficulty setting.

V Gundam - Finish the game with all Suits on the hard difficulty setting.

Zeue Ziel - Finish the game on the normal difficulty setting.

Unlock Char?s Zaku

In the first screen, where you select story game, vs game, memory card and options, press "down, left, up, right, square, triangle, circle. If you did it right, it will make a sound and you can play with char?s red zaku, in vs mode.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Gundam 0079: The War For Earth

Level Select

1 -- Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, X

2 -- Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, X

3 -- Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle

4 -- X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle

5 -- Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle

Playback -- X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Guitar Freaks

Battle Mode

To have battle mode, just press PICK, GREEN, GREEN, PICK, at the mode select screen. Battle Mode makes a 2 player game more competitive because it makes it so that both players play the same thing.

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Guilty Gear

Boss Select (Japanese ver. only)

To play as Testament, Justice, and Baiken without beating the game, press and hold Down, Square, L1, and R2 from the time after the PlayStation is turned on (white screen) to the Guilty Gear title screen. The bosses will appear above the normal characters on the character select screen.

Play as Baiken

You must beat the normal mode using EITHER Sol or Ky. The slight trick is to get the 2nd player to join in while you are fighting someone, beat the 2nd player, and you then get to fight your match against the computer fresh. Getting the 2nd player to join in does not count as using a continue, so you basically get as many chances to beat someone as you need. But you must watch out for being destroyed, since this will force you to use a continue.


When playing in Arcade mode at the normal difficulty level, the first five opponents will (usually) be easily succeptible to being destroyed. This gives the player an easy way to get past the first five opponents without breaking much of a sweat.

Play as Testament and Justice

To fight as Testament and Justice, complete in arcade mode under the normal difficulty level. Continues may be used.

Hard mode

Hold Down + Square + L1 + R2 and power on the PlayStation. Continue to hold the buttons until the phrase "Team Neo Blood" disappears. If you entered the code correctly, "Normal Mode" will be replaced with "Hard Mode" and "Hard" will appear above the two player/computer chaos bar.

Alternate colors

At the character selection screen, press Square, Triangle, Circle, or X.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com



No obstacles

Quickly press Triangle, Up, Circle, Right, X, Down, Circle, Left at the title screen. Press R2 during game play to remove all obstacles.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Guardian’s Crusade

In-game reset (Japanese version)

Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select during game play.

Defeat Galestork

To defeat Galestork easily first you must be level 10 or higher and have the living toys dabomb(find at the storage room after defeating mushmare),and Pyro(one of the house in Orgo village). At the first round of the fight use the dabomb and Galestork will use diving beak. At the next round use Pyro and Mr.Oneal at the third round at the fourth round defend and Galestork will go down.

Free Spinach Snack

When Bonik's shop opens, you head to his shop. Check the barrell on the right side. Bonik will start talking. He will give you a free spinach snack.

Infinite Rubies

On the island of Kerple, if you check the jar in the chief's house (on the right wall), you will find money. Every time you do this, you get 1 ruby. If you leave the game on overnight with a turbo controller, you can amass approxamately 1,000 rubies an hour.

Super Bomb

For this you need the livingtoy "WALKBOMB". When the WALKBOMB walks it charges up. So walk into a town or somewhere where you won't be attacked. Tape the foward button or analog joy stick up and aim the WALKBOMB so that he walks but stays facing a wall and doesn't move sideways. These are the results: In 10 minutes: you get 2000 in distance, which is about 100 damage. In about an hour you get 6,000 damage

Ultimate Living Toys and Super Spell

To cast Legend of Lt you'll need Legend and peacemaker. To get legend return to Dr. Zeppeto with all 68 living toys and he'll give you Legend then dissappear. After that return to Orgo and spend the night at your house. When you wake up Nahani will tell you about something Knight and her found on the beach, Mr.Oneal will come out and tell you about the living toy peacemaker, Nahani will then find out that the junk was actually a living toy. Mr. Oneal will warn you but when Nahani asks you if you want to know say yes. Now take the new living toys to an extremly strong monster like Xisan and use Legend then use Peacemaker. if he survives Legend will cast LEGEND OF LT. Afterward you'll be complety healed and the enemy will be left with 1HP.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Grow Lanser

All Items

During gameplay, press Up, Right, L2, L2, Down, R2, R2, Up, Down, R2, L2, Right, Left, Square, Square, Square.

Instant Victory

During a battle, go into the Character Menu and press Start, Right, Left, Up, Down, R1, Square, R2, Square, Start, Down, Left, X. Does not work on bosses.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


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