Let’s Go To Pilot
Bonus jet
Select Jet Course and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, Up, Up, Triangle at the school.
Klonoa: Door To Phantomile
Balue's Tower (Extra Vision) Bonus Level
To access the Balue's Tower bonus level you must save all 72 Phantomilians.
Music Test
If you complete the Balue's Tower bonus game. A music test option will appear on the level selection screen.
Control Title Screen
To blow the leaves off the title screen press L2 and R2.
Level Select
Complete the game, then return to the title screen. Select the "Continue" option, then select "Vision Clear".
Harvest Moon:Back To Nature
No Hurricanes
In the very beginning of the game, it asks you a few questions (name, dog's name). When you get to farm name, type in "The Natsume Farm" or something along those lines Im not sure. Anyway, when you start playing press the start button for the status screen. The top should just say "Natsume Farm". Voila! When you get to the 4th of Summer in the 1st year (when you should have the hurricane) it turns out to be a sunny day! I haven't gotten to winter so I don't know if it stops blizzards.
Make Quick Money
To make "quick money", you have to have one game file(And I think 2 Memory cards). Make sure you have a cow or sheep on your game(adult). Copy your game on to the other memory card, and go into the game you want to make money. When you go to sleep, choose the "Exchange Animals" option and have an animal come to your farm from your other copied one. Sell the animal, then repeat this process over and over.
During the summer (when Kai is home), there is always a hurricane. If you found the bottle, go visit/talk to Kai the day after a hurricane. He'll fill your bottle with perfume!
Sprite's Tea Party
Ever wonder where everyone is getting Relaxed Tea Leaves? Well here's how!
1.Have the largest Rucksack and buy 7 flours from the supermarket in Spring 2.Go to Sprite's house between 3 and 4 pm and give each sprite a box of flour. 3.They will "invite" you to the tea party(happens automatically) and you get the tea leaves!
Power Berry Locations
Power Berries are essential if you are aiming for a high percentage in BTN. There are 10 of them. 1.Try to cut down the tree on Mother's Hillc(past the lake and over the bridge). It will talk to you, and give you a choice whether to continue cutting or stop, say stop and you'll get a PB. 2.Mine in the mine behind the waterfall, you'll eventually get a PB. 3.Mine in the Winter Mine, you'll eventually get a PB. 4.Win the Swimming Festival in the summer. 5.Throw five items(one per day) into the Goddess Pond(stand where behind the waterfall to throw things in) and she'll give you a PB. 6.In the Winter, go behind and to the left of the mine. Press X and walk around (against thewall you can't see) and you'll find one! 7.Buy one off of the TV Shopping Network after you have bought all the kitchen utensils. 8.Buy one at the Horse Race.(Manage to win 1000 medals of course) 9.Fish in the Ocean and eventually you'll get a Power Berry! 10.In the Winter mine down to the bottom of the Winter Mine. Go into the cavern with the pond and start fishing, you'll eventually get a Power Berry. 11.Plant more than 90 flowers on your farm, and when Anna comes by(when they bloom) tell her she can have as many as she wants. She'll give you a Power Berry.
How To Get Bees
In any season planet some flowers in your garden. when they blossem a nest a bees will be in your apple tree. You can get honey from the nest every day even winter. The honey will sell for 50G but if you give some honey to louis the honey will be worth 60G.
Blue Power Berry
To get the blue power berry you have to grow cucumbers and save 3.Take them to the lake and stand near 2 lined up trees. Throw them in the water and the water imp will come out and give you the power berry that gives you fatigue -50!This gives you a LOT more energy to work. (this won't work in winter.)
Fast Money in Winter
To earn money really fast when winter comes every day take your basket and bring it to the mine cave that only opens in the winter and dig for minerals and when ever you get one put it in your basket (do not pick up the junk minerals and put them in the basket because you will not get any money from it) keep doing it until your basket is full. Take the basket and leave the cave and bring it back to your farm and put all your minerals in the shipping bin this will give you over 2,000 dollars a day for the winter!
Legendary Fish
The Legendary Fish probably help your percentage score. You need the Fishing Pole to get them(you have to have 50 fish in your pond and Greg the Fisherman will stop by and give you the Fishing Pole) You can't keep the fish, but you get fish prints. To view your fish prints go to the start menu. 1.Catfish- To get the catfish, dig in the Winter Mine to the very bottom. Then go into the cavern that has a tunnel leading to it and fish with your pole in the pond. You will get the Catfish Print. 2.Squid- To get the squid, take a small fish to the ocean and throw it in. Then use your fishing pole in the Ocean. The small fish will be "bait" for one day, so if you don't catch the Squid the first day, you have to throw another small fish in the next day! 3.Sea Bream- To get the sea bream, it can be any season but winter. You have to have shipped 200 fish, then if you have you can catch this in the ocean. 4.Angler- To get the angler, go to the beach in the Winter between 11pm and 8 am. Fish in the ocean and you should eventually get this fish. 5.Carp- To catch the carp, it can be any season but winter. You have to have caught the other 5 fish, and once you have you can catch this fish in Mother's Lake. 6.Char- To catch the char, you have to have the recipes for Sashimi, Grilled Fish and Sushi. You catch this fish at the river that is on your farm, or the small river near the hot springs.
Easy Money:
This trick requires two memory cards and a file which has some type of animal (preferably cows or sheep). Copy the file to memory card two, then play the game on either file. Go to your diary and choose to exchange animals. Have an animal come in from the other memory card. When this is done, sell the animal repeat as many times as needed.
More Ore While Mining
The following trick requires the Harvest Basket and the Final Rucksack. Bring the Harvest Basket with you to the mine. Set it down and start mining. You should be able to deposit ore into the Harvest Basket. The basket can get full after a while. Empty it out by facing a bin and pressing Square. When you are tired, just heal at the Hot Spring Pool. This also works well in winter.
Get Another Horse
If you lose your horse and have a good pasture, you can get another one.
Make Your Wife Leave
Give your wife many things that she hates (preferably weeds) until her heart turns black, and she has no hears on the start menu screen. Then, go to sleep. The next day the game will state that your wife is gone and you will shake your head.
If you want Cliff to stay wait until Fall, Duke will come one of those days and ask if you will help him with the orchard say yes and go to the church if not to late and Cliff will be there talk to him and invite him to help with the orchard.
Duke Passes Out
Go to the bar one night and Duke will be passed out. Talk to the people there and then pick up the jar on the table and go talk to Duke. He will say something and then throw up in the jar. You automatically take him home and talk to Manna. This will increase your relationship with them.
FIFA 98: Road To The World Cup
Edit Bankroll
Go to the team edit screen and press [],X,[],L2,L1,then go down to how much money the team has and u can increase or decrease.
u go to the the customise squead screen and than u go to player edit u go stand on atribute of a player and u press this code L1,L2,X,Square,X and if u have don this Correct than u can put everything on 99 and u can do that with every player.
Evil Dead: Hail To The King
Unlimited Chainsaw Fuel
Hold L1 and press X, X, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle at the main screen.
Wolverine troop leader killing
To kill the wolverine troop leader you have to run to one of the four poles that are around you and the leader will follow you. When you get to a pole and the leader is behind you, hit the pole and the rocks will fall on him. Do this until he is killed. Now go to the big pile of stones to leave the area. This will grant you the archery key.
Duke Nukem: Time To Kill
Beat the Game
While playing hold L2 + R2 then press Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Start.
Small Head Opponents
Press R1(9), Right
Big Head Opponents
Press R1(9), Left
Small Head Duke
Press R1(9), Down.
Big Head Duke
Press R1(9), Up
Double Damage
Press L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2.
Infinite Ammo
Press [Left, Right, Left, Right, Select] twice.
Press L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1.
Temporary Invincibility
Press R1, L2, L1, L2, R1, L1, R1, L2, L1, L2.
Press L2, R1, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Select(2).
All Keys
Press Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Down.
All Items
Press R1(5), L2(5).
All Weapons
Press L1, L2, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, Right, R2, Left.
Select Powered-Up Weapons
Press Right(2), Left, Right(2), Left, Right(2), Left.
Level Select
Press Down(9), Up {See Note Below} Note: After entering this code, exit the game. Then at the bottom of the main menu there will be a new option called "Time To Kill". Select this new option, then press Left or Right to choose a level and press X to go to the level.
Enter one of the following codes while the game is paused:
First pause the game and press: L2, R1, L1, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, SELECT, SELECT. And it should say Invulnerability.
View Scenes
Intro Scene: Pause game, press select, up nine times, select, L1.
Victory Scene: Pause game, Select, up nine times, select, L2.
View Credits: Pause game, Select, up nine times, select, R1.
Make Duke Wear A Kilt:Pause game, Select, up nine times, select, R2
102 Dalmations: Puppies To The Rescue
Toy store secret room
Jump onto 1 and then straight back onto the ledge. Keep doing this, so you won't hit the same one twice!
Toy Factory
When you get to the magnetised part, don't worry! Just walk straight across it to the next door.
Trap Jasper
When Jasper starts chasing you, run ; do not bark or fumble. Run to the beehive that Fidget showed you. If you do this, Jasper will get buzzed.
Trap Horace
Find Horace near the blue steps in Piccadilly. Press Square to open the manhole. Then let the dog do all the work to trap Horace.
Defeating Cruella 1
Press Circle to shoot Pineapples. Hit her five times to win. Note: Power-ups such as the steak will be all around.
Finding Lucky
Go behind the chair in the house and push on the wall.
Finding Rolly
Enter the kitchen and look inside the cupboard.
Finding a bone
Go to the cash register in the toy store level and press Triangle or Square. The register will open and a bone will appear.
Parrot ride
If you get 100 bones on each level, Waddlesworth the parrot will give you a ride. When you have your bones, find a blue mark on the floor. He will ask if you want a ride. Answer "Yes".
Television screen
Go to the television in the living room in the De Ville Manor level. Bark or run into the television to see a hidden screen.
Fly over hay
When in the barnyard level, go to the tractor and turn left to the hay. Find the a corner with a blue spot . Jump on to it and you will fly over the hay.
Level Passwords
Password - Level
Machine, Dice, Dice, Dice - Bonus Lev. 1
Machine, Dice, Dice, Machine - Bonus Lev. 2
Dice, Bone, Bone, Dice - 2
Dice, Key, Bone, Machine - 3
Dice, Bone, Food Bowl, Toy - 4
Bone, Dice, Dog, Bone - 5
Bone, Dice, Machine, Food Bowl - 6
Bone, Bone, Paw, Dog - 7
Bone, Bone, Paw, Toy - 8
Bone, Toy, Key, Bone - 9
Bone, Toy, Key, Dice - 10
Bone, Toy, Bone, Machine - 11
Bone, Machine, Dice, Toy - 12
Bone, Machine, Toy, Key - 13
Bone, Toy, Paw, Food Bowl - 14
Bone, Toy, Toy, Machine - 15
Bone, Paw, Toy, Toy - 16
Toy, Bone, Key, Bone - 17