Adventures Of Lolo 2
Floor 1-
Room 1: PPHP
Room 2: PHPK
Room 3: PQPD
Room 4: PVPT
Room 5: PRPJ
Floor 2-
Room 1: PBPM
Room 2: PLPY
Room 3: PCPZ
Room 4: PGPG
Room 5: PZPC
Floor 3-
Room 1: PYPL
Room 2: PMPB
Room 3: PJPR
Room 4: PTPV
Room 5: PDPQ
Floor 4-
Room 1: PKPH
Room 2: HPPP
Room 3: HHKK
Room 4: HQKD
Room 5: HVKT
Floor 5-
Room 1: HRKJ
Room 2: HBKM
Room 3: HLKY
Room 4: HCKZ
Room 5: HGKG
Floor 6-
Room 1: HZKC
Room 2: HYKL
Room 3: HMKB
Room 4: HJKR
Room 5: HTKV
Floor 7-
Room 1: HDKQ
Room 2: HKKH
Room 3: QPKP
Room 4: QHDK
Room 5: QQDD
Floor 8-
Room 1: QVDT
Room 2: QRDJ
Room 3: QBDM
Room 4: QLDY
Room 5: QCDZ
Floor 9-
Room 1: QGDG
Room 2: QZDC
Room 3: QYDL
Room 4: QMDB
Room 5: QJDR
Room 1: QTDV
Room 2: QDDQ
Room 3: QKDH
Room 4: VPDP
Room 5: VHTK
Final Boss: VQTD
Pro Levels-
Room 1: PROA
Room 2: PROB
Room 3: PROC
Room 4: PROD
Adventures Of Lolo
Change Skill Level
To play at the expert skill setting, enter one of the following passwords at the password screen:
Level Passwords
To start on a floor in a given room, go to the password screen and enter its level code.
Floor 1:
Room 2 ----
Room 3 ----
Room 4 ----
Room 5 BHBP
Floor 2:
Room 1 BJBM
Room 2 BKBL
Room 3 ----
Room 4 ----
Room 5 BPBH
Floor 3:
Room 1 BQBG
Room 2 BRBD
Room 3 ----
Room 4 ----
Room 5 BYZZ
Floor 4:
Room 1 BZZY
Room 2 BZZY
Room 3 ----
Room 4 CDZR
Room 5 CGZQ
Floor 5:
Room 1 CHZP
Room 2 CJZM
Room 3 ----
Room 4 CLZK
Room 5 CMZJ
Floor 6:
Room 1 CPZH
Room 2 ----
Room 3 CRZD
Room 4 HJKR
Room 5 CVZB
Floor 7:
Room 1 CYYZ
Room 2 ----
Room 3 ----
Room 4 DCYT
Room 5 DDYR
Floor 8:
Room 1 QVDT
Room 2 ----
Room 3 ----
Room 4 ----
Room 5 DLYK
Floor 9:
Room 1 DMYJ
Room 2 DPYH
Room 3 QYDL
Room 4 ----
Room 5 QJDR
Floor 10:
Room 1 DVYB
Room 2 QDDQ
Room 3 DZVY
Room 4 VPDP
Room 5 GCVT
Adventures Of Dino Riki
At the Game Over screen press Up and Start at the same time to continue.
Adventures Of Bayou Billy
In Practice mode, beating certain levels give you bonuses in Regular mode. Make sure to keep your system on as you switch modes. Driving: Successfully defeat it in Practice mode to earn a full tank of gas in Regular. Shooting: Successfully defeat it in Practice mode to earn 100 extra bullets in Regular. Street Fighting: Successfully defeat it in Practice mode to earn a Raw Meat bonus in Regular.
Adventure Island III
Stage Select
Press Start (on the screen with the couple under the tree) to get to the Title screen. Then, press Down, Up, Left, Right, B, A, B, A. This will bring up the "Stage Select" screen.
Adventure Island II
Stage Select
On the Title screen, press Right, Left, Right, Left, A, B, A, B. This will bring up the "World Select" screen. Choose your island by pressing Up/Down, and begin by pressing A.
You must possess the Hudson Bee from World 1. Hold Left and press Start when your game is over. You can locate the Hudson Bee inside a secret room in the first cave of the first island. Jump up and down after passing the fifth skull to find the entrance to a secret room.
Adventure Island
Just to the left of the Goal (G) sign in stage 1-1, jump up and down to find the hidden egg. Step on the egg to pick up the Hudson's Bee. Once you have found the Bee, you can continue after losing your last life. To do this, hold any direction on the Control Pad and press Start when the game returns to the Title screen.
Select an Island
Allow the game to reach the title screen, then reset the NES console. Then, when the title screen appears again, press:
Right, Left, Right, Left, A, B, A, B.
Playing tips
View next Boss: Kill the first Boss and pause game play as he leaves the screen. 1000 point bonus: Locate the red flower in level 1-4. Shoot the coyote that attacks from behind twice while jumping to display a power-up in the form of a Nintendo controller. Get the controller to collect 1000 points.