World Championship Pool 2004
Place ball where you want
Press Up, Down(3), Left, Right, Down, Up at the start menu. The sound of a rack break will confirm correct code entry.
Ultimate Fighting Championship: Throwdown
Tank Abbot
Complete the game with Dan Severn.
Unlock a Fighter's Dicipline in Career Mode
Simply win a gold belt with that fighter.
Unlock a Fighter's Face in Career Mode
You must win the silver belt with that fighter.
Unlock Bruce Buffer
Win gold & silver belts with each fighter in the middleweight division.
Unlock Card Girl
Win silver belts with each original fighter.
Unlock Dana White
Win gold & silver belts with each fighter in the Lightweight division.
Unlock John Mccarthy
Win gold & silver belts with each fighter in the Heavyweight division.
Unlock Lorenzo Fertitta
Win gold & silver belts with each fighter in the Welterweight division.
Unlock Mario Yamasaki
Win gold & silver belts with each fighter in the light heavyweight division.
F1 Racing Championship
All Levels in Arcade Mode
At the Arcade Track Select screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, L1, R2, L2, R1.
Championship Motocross
The Wrath Child Fox Video
Beat the game in 125, 250 & 500. Go to Options, then Extras and go down to watch the video.
All classes
Enter "ALL_EVENTS" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space.
All tracks
Enter "DIRT_TRACKS" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space.
Big head mode
Enter "GROSSE_TETE" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space.
Mirror mode
Enter "OPPOSITE_LOCK" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space. Alternatively, successfully complete the open class championship. Then, choose the "Race Settings" selection under "Options" to access the "Mirror Mode" selection.
Championship Bass
All levels
Enter "EVpUyYy18VoE" as a case-sensitive password.
Tournament levels passwords
L2 FVk5rRusqT%g
L3 Y%xsG8bZXu triangle g
L4 %DzxvtrpnavU
L5 EP31zxvtrXbd
L6 YTihfdbZXrP1
L7 TcomkigeckU&
L8 MHvtrpn circle inside circle jcjy
L9 XQkigecayr42
L10 JCywusqomZ-S
L11 LEwusqomkfsu
Air Race Championship
Light Flyer
Beat the game with the normal ending in Limit 500 or Unlimited modes.
Leo Copter
Beat the game with the good ending in Unlimited, Mirror or Reverse modes.
Foo Fighter
Beat the game with the Light Flyer and Leo Copter in Unlimited, Mirror or Reverse modes.
The Fly
Beat the game with the Foo Fighter in Unlimited, Mirror or Reverse modes + destroy all the balloons in the bonus level.
TKO Super Championship Boxing
Bonus boxer
Select championship mode. Enter VHJTVWK as a password. Enter a name and begin game play to fight Mr. Infrared.
Level Password