College Slam
Fraternity teams
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up Down, Left, Right at the title screen. The bonus teams will appear under the team selection option.
Power-up dunks
Press Left, Right, Up, Up, Left, Right at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.
Power-up three pointers
Press Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Up, Up, Up at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.
Small players
Press Up, Shoot, Down, Shoot, Pass, Pass at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.
Big headed players
Press Down, Down, Down, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.
Unlimited whirlwind
Press Left, Right, Left, Right, Pass, Shoot at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.
Colin McRae Rally 3
Bonus Codes
These codes are for the game with this code 1457, there are more game codes, and all have different codes. Go in the game to the options menu and selekt secrets and seleckt enter code , then typ the code (vehicle) you want.
Baja Buggy type AERCNU
Jet Fighter type NPDATU
Hovercraft type FHILLB
Tank type WFDDBU
All Cars type NEWUOT
All Tracks type UYNUUR
All Parts type AUNIPE
All Difficulties type UZVKFB
SuperFord Focus type XWUXUE
Colin McRae Ralley 2
Cheat Codes
Create new driver profiles, enter any tag, and then these words as name:
Cheat Code - Granted Wish
evilevo - Access the Mitsubishi Lancer Alternatives
morrismode - Escort MK1 Car
gofasterstripes - Faster Cars
garywildass - Ford Puma Car
onecarefulowner - All Cars
offroad - Lancer Road Car
nuttynets - Agressive Cars
allthebuttons - All Cars
greatnews - All Tracks
minime - Mini Cooper S Car
jobinitaly - Mini Cooper
jimmyscar - Sierra Cosworth
turnontheice - Background Music
boingboingboing - Bouncer Mode
waveyourlefts - Reverse Tracks
wheelybig - Monster Tires
shinybuttons - Shiny Cars
curryforme - Turbo Boost
bouncybouncybouncy - Reduced Gravity
eatthis - Fireball (Press Handbrake to Activate)
coolestcar - Ford Puma
letmewin - All Options
Cat Silhouette
Enter HELLO RAZU AND FLEA at the cheat options screen.
Colin McRae Ralley
All Tracks
To unlock all tracks, enter your name as FREEWAY.
Bonus Cars
To access the bonus cars, enter your name as LOTTOWIN.
Custom Replay
For a custom replay mode, enter your name as SPECIALED.
Double Power
Enter your name as BIGGUNS for double power.
Drive the Concept Car
To drive the concept car, enter your name as HIPPO.
To reduce visibility, enter your name as WHITEOUT.
Hidden Tracks
To unlock the hidden tracks, enter your name as one of the following:
Jelly Mode
For jelly mode, enter your name as ALIENGOO.
Micro Machines Mode
This is a fun one. For tiny cars, enter your name as BORROWERS.
Mirror Tracks
To mirror the course, enter your name as DARKSIDE.
Nicky Grist Drives
I'm not sure what this does, but to enable it, enter your name as PASSEDOUT.
Race a Toyota Celica GT4
To race this hot car, enter your name as BEEFCAKE.
Rear-Wheel Steering
To change the car's handling, enter your name as TURNBACK.
Reversed Tracks
To reverse the direction of travel, enter your name as BACKAGAIN.
Turbo Boost
For a boost of speed, enter your name as ROCKETMAN.
Super Steer
For a super 4WD steer, enter your name as ALLWHEELS.
Squeaky Voice
For a squeaky voice, enter your name as CHOIRBOY.
Hovercraft Mode
For hovercraft mode, enter your name as DELOREAN.
Low Gravity
For low gravity, enter your name as GIANTLEAP.
Mirror Tracks
For mirrored tracks, enter your name as ONTHEWALL.
Codename: Panzers
Cheat Codes
While playing, press [ENTER], then type any of the following codes:
Code - Effect
MOTORHEAD - One Hit Kills
MONEYSONG - Add 1000 Prestige to Unit
MRHILTER - Call for Support
The only god mode (or invulnerability) cheat that works is:
Note the difference: 'fruit' is singular, no 's'. That works for invulernabililty. Could not get 'motorhead' (supposedly Instant Kill) to work, only 'TheSpanishInquisition' seems to work for Instant Kill mode.
A lot of the cheats you have listed on your site for this game do not work, at least, not in the N. American version that I just bought. So you might want to change these. I think they were just copied from other sites, and I am letting them know too.
Seriously, I have been testing them all over the last hour and a half, they don't work, except a couple that I have mentioned. There are a few, like 'BicycleRepairman', that were acknowledged by the game when I typed them in, but seemed to have no effect. The only ones I didn't test were the points-related cheats. Oh yeah, the instant win scenario cheat-
- does, in fact, work.
Codename Eagle
Various Cheats
Press Alt + S and enter any of the following "Codes":
Code | Effect |
codenamegod | God Mode |
weaponmaster | All Weapons |
armorgod | 200% Armor |
Codename – Outbreak
The accuracy of snipper shot is highly depends on "accuracy" parameter of the selected soilder.
Guard turret won't notice you after the camera is destroyed. Camera hangs above turret (indoor level).
Recoil and accuracy change when you sit and prone.
Suite power can be restored with help of rechargers. Rechargers can be found on the second floor of the base on open-space level and in the 8-like corridor on the indoor level.
Missiles can be guided - just mark the target with "Use" key (default - "Enter").
Shooting short threads with submachine gun gives better accuracy.
You can see what your team member see in multiplayer game. Enable HUD camera with "HUD mode" key (default
- "/"). Cycle througth your team members with "Map size/Cycle camera" keys (default - "][","]").
Green syringe add 10% to health.
Always search the dead bodies with "Use" key (Default - "Enter"). Armament and syringes can be found there.
You can come to sniper on the tower very close, if you use bushes and trees as a cover. Just keep a tree on the sight line as you move.
Monsters can hear the machine gun in much longer distance than sniper gun.
Add Health
Bring up the console by pressing "~". Then type "xenux". This will add a syringe to each corpse for a health boost of 10%. Each corpse can have up to 2-3 syringes, but you can repeat he cheat as you remove them.
Just open the file PICSTEAMTEAM.INI in your GameDir with a Text editor. There you can change all quality of your team-members. (Rank, Experience, Speed, Reaction...)