Zoids Versus 2
Get special zoids
To get the Blade Ligers, Gustav and Giga Gogulous you must defeat Battle Mode using the Van or Zoid characters. Beat mission mode with one side, then beat it with the other side. Also you can beat Battle Mode with someone from the Bit series to get Bit's 3 Ligers.
Liger Zero Pheonix
Enter the configuration menu and play the following voices in order: 021, 001, 018, 006, 023.
Unlock Blade Ligers
To unlock the Blade Ligers, Gustav and Giga Gogulous beat Battle Mode with Van or a Zoid from the Zoid series.
Unlock Bit's Ligers
To unlock Bit's 3 Ligers you must beat Battle Mode with someone from the Bit series.
Energy Liger
Select the 'Voices' option in the 'Config' menu, then play the following in order: 004, 044, 019, 066, 034.
Mega Deathsaurer
Select the 'Voices' option in the 'Config' menu, then play the following in order: 000, 007, 077, 041, 054.
Recommended Zoid
When you do tournament or mission and can buy a Rev Raptor (sell the twp weak ones), use the two pointy things at all times. You can use it unlimited times and it does good damage. It is possible to defeat a Fuzor Dragon without getting hurt by doing this.
Easy Escape
When you are cornered or cannot outrun a Zoid, just use a Speed Booster. Another thing you can use is a shield. If you use one, speed on a Rev Raptor is recommended. You will have a very strong Zoid that can defeat lots of opponents easily.
Cargo Mission
On the mission where you have to protect the cargo, use the Cannon Tortoise's 8 Shell launcher for maximum destruction. Use it at long range.
Counter Attacking a Lightning Saix
When using a shadow wolf or maybe any other zoid. When the saix is locked onto you run straight at him. And when he uses his lunging claw attack. Dodge left or right and use your lunging attack. This is a good way to counter attack.
X-Men 2: Wolverine’s Revenge
Level select and all challenges
At the main menu, press B, X, B, Y, B, X, L, R, Z to unlock level select and all challenges. Note: There are two side effects after using the level select cheat. First, stealth attacks no longer give you dog tags, which means you cannot advance to a higher strike level. Get all the tags you need before using the cheat. Secondly, when you save a game in which the level select code is used, the file is now marked with an "X" just before the time and date.
All costumes
At the main menu, press B, X, B, Y(3), L(2), Z to unlock all costumes.
All Cerebro files and FMV sequences
At the main menu, press B, X, B, Y(3), R(2), Z to unlock all Cerebro files and FMV sequences.
Cheats option
At the main menu, press B(2), X(2), Y(2), X(2), L(2), R(2), Z to unlock cheats option. Pause the game to access the "Cheats" option.
Blooper FMV sequences
Successfully complete the Bronze, Silver, and Gold challenges, then go to the title screen and select the "Bonus" option. Go to "Gallery" and select "Play Movies." Go to the bottom of the screen to the last three movies and you will find two bloopers with Wolverine and one blooper with the Wendigo. You get one blooper for each "Challenge" that was completed.
Increase feral rage
To increase Wolverine's feral rage, retract your claws and just punch the guard.
Best approach and attack
When scouting for enemies use Wolverine's heightened senses. Once you have spotted an enemy, make sure you are close enough to see them clearly, but not be spotted. If you watch them for a few moments in heightened senses mode, a faint hazy figure of Wolverine will demonstrate the best approach and attack.
Star Wars reference
Wolverine's voice is done by Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker. For the Juggernaut battle, he fights a man with ultra psychic powers wearing a helmet. Juggernaut uses the word "Force" every other line.
Infinite score and dog tag loop
During Part IV: Grim Discoveries, after you have taken the elevator down into the cavern, you will face the Wendigo and three soldiers. Instead of feeding the soldiers to the Wendigo, knock the gun out of each of their hands and lure them to an open area. Next, position yourself so you can perform a level 3 strike on each of them simultaneously. You will be rewarded with 150,000 points and a dog tag if the "Claw Slam" Strike is successful. Finally, if you run away from the elevator, three more soldiers will rappel into the shaft with you. You can repeat the process as many times as needed for lots of points and dog tags. Note: If you die you will have to restart the level. For best results, use the "Invincibility" cheat.
Defeating Juggernaut
When the battle begins, you are in a force field arena. Try not to hit the force field, or you will get hurt. Enemies from outside the force field will be throwing green gas grenades at you. If you get dizzy from the green gas, rotate the Left Analog-stick to regain control of Wolverine. Juggernaut has a special move where he creates shockwaves by slamming his hands together. Try to get as far away from him when he does this to avoid getting hurt. Juggernaut is invincible while running; make him run into the the force field "corners". The best way to do this is to stand at one of the "corners" opposite from where Juggernaut is standing. When you make Juggernaut hit one of the "corners", he will get shocked, get thrown into the middle of the arena, and will become dizzy. Run up to him and hit him a few times. When you see the "Strike" message, strike him to make him lose health. Do this at least three or four times. After you strike Juggernaut several times, you will see Colloso jump over the force field fence. Run up to him and press Strike to make him throw Wolverine at Juggernaut to defeat him.
In the first part, lure him into the actual poles of the fence. When he flies away and lands dazed, attack him from side and watch for the "Strike" message to appear. Later when he starts jumping, jump to avoid the shockwave and try to get him to jump into the electric beams. He is weak after he jumps. He will stand and send a series of shockwaves. Also jump over these. If he is on one side of the "ring", run to the other side to avoid them. Watch out for the gas. When his health is gone, you must to finish him with a strike. Note: Beware of gas and watch your bar for your sickness level.
Defeating Lady Deathstrike
Start by fighting as if in a normal battle. Then, climb up the ladder when she cannot move. Next, blow up the four generators. You do not fight her here. Then, rip open the gate and jump down. It gets difficult at this point. Run around until you find the key. Then, go up to her, but not too close. Kick her; do not stab or punch her or you will get hit. Then, only hit the pole in front of her when she shoots electric waves. In between the waves, kick her, but do not get too close. While she is on the ground, a pole will have electricity on it. Stab it and the electricity will transfer to another pole, and so on. Do this until the door opens. Go up the stairs, then Lady Deathstrike will jump up. Kick her until she falls off the left side. She will die.
When on the fan part of the level, part II, Throw her into the electric fence and wait until her life goes down before going on to the bottom.
Defeating Magneto
In Act V: Part I, you will not always be able to destroy the generators. However, after he is done, he will create a magnetic vortex of death. Go to where the fuse box was that would not work on the roof and hit it. A trap door will fall down and a possible "Strike: attack message will appear. Go through the first door and to your left to find a switch (Animal Senses may help). Another door will open. Go through it. When people appear, go neat the vortex. Debris will fly, but try not to get hit. Have them die near the vortex. That is the only way to stop the vortex.
In Act V: Part II, it gets more difficult. You will have to get on a ledge where Magneto is near and do a diving slash. Do it a few times and you will see Logan attack Magneto and fall to the ground. You can get some attacks in. After a while, Magneto will try and gain energy in this area. You can mess him up there. Repeat this process to defeat him.
Stand on the ledge above the small round platform with "strong magnetic field" markings on the wall nearby. Magneto will attack you. But avoid these and he will eventually settle onto the small round platform. Jump down and attack him. When he flies away, move back up onto the ledge and wait for him to settle again.
Defeating Sabertooth
When fighting Sabretooth for the second time, at first it is the same as before. Jump behind him and use your special to throw him into the trucks. After a few throws, he will jump behind the flames and start throwing barrels. Punch them back at him. When he is done with that, he will come back out and start jumping around. When he is in the air, a green crosshair will appear on the ground. Run to it and use your special to defeat him.
Defeating Wendigo
Wait for him to stop chasing you, then run behind him. Hit him once or twice, then option for your special will appear. When you use your special, you will grab his tail. Spin him around and toss him. After several tosses, he will stand weak in the middle. Run up to him and use your special.
Tony Hawk’s Underground 2
Ben Franklin
Complete Boston in Story.
Bull Fighter
Complete Barcelona in Story.
Call Of Duty Soldier
Complete Story on Sick.
Cheat Codes Movie
Get all gaps on all 15 levels.
Graffiti Tagger
Complete Berlin in Story.
Jesse James
Complete Classic Mode on Sick.
Complete New Orleans in Story.
Natas Kaupas
Complete Classic Mode on Sick.
Neversoft Skates Movie
Complete Classic Mode with 100%.
Complete Story on Sick.
Complete Story on Normal.
Peds Group A
Complete Story on Easy.
Peds Group B
Complete Story on Normal.
Peds Group C
Complete Story on Sick.
Peds Group D
Complete Classic Mode on Normal.
Peds Group E
Complete Classic Mode on Sick.
Peds Group F
Complete Story with 100%.
Peds Group G
Complete Classic Mode with 100%.
Peds Group H
Get all gaps on all 15 levels.
Phil Margera
Complete Story on Easy.
Pro Bails 1 Movie
Complete Classic Mode.
Pro Bails 2 Movie
Complete Story with 100%.
Pro Skater Level
Complete Story.
Ryan Sheckler
Complete Skatopia in Story.
Complete Story on Easy.
Shrimp Vendor
Complete Australia in Story.
Complete Classic Mode on Normal.
The Hand
Complete Story on Normal.
The Triangle Level
Complete Classic Mode.
THPS1 Tony
Complete Classic Mode on Normal.
World Destruction Tour Movie
Complete Story.
Skatopia level: Rope ride
Grab on to what looks like a jet pack and it will take you on a very fast rope ride.
Skatopia: Easy Bomb Box mission
The easiest way to complete the Bomb Box mission in Skatopia is to Flip Trick onto one of the lower boxes and Caveman the rest in that row. Just jump from box to box after getting off your board, but make sure to do one row at a time.
Zoo level: Unlock aquarium
Jump on the house near the elephant then hop on the elephant's back. He will get mad and crush the aquarium door.
R/V halfpipe
To unlock the R/V halfpipe and that mission for your character, play as Jesse James and jump over three cars.
The Natas Spin
To do the Natas Spin, approach an object, such as a trash can, statue, or a pole, while standing on the board. Jump at it and press Y while holding R.
Perfect Grind
Enter straightedge as a code.
Natas Kaupas
Enter oldskool as a code. Alternately, successfully complete classic mode under the sick difficulty setting.
Enter 4wheeler as a code. Alternately, successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting.
Cheat Mode
Unlock all levels in classic mode, then clear all the gaps in all fifteen levels. All the cheat options will now appear in the cheats menu on the game options screen, and can be toggled on or off as desired.
TimeSplitters 2
1853 Wild West Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 1853 Wild West level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock The Colonel as a playable character in arcade mode.
1920 Aztec Ruins Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 1920 Aztec Ruins level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Stone Golem as a playable character in arcade mode.
1972 Atom Smasher Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 1972 Atom Smasher level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Khallos as a playable character in arcade mode.
2019 NeoTokyo Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 2019 NeoTokyo level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Sadako as a playable character in arcade mode.
2280 Return To Planet X Level Rewards
Successfully complete the 2280 Return to Planet X level in story mode on the medium difficulty setting to unlock Ozor Mox as a playable character in arcade mode.
Arcade Adios Amigos Level Rewards
Successfully complete the Arcade Adios Amigos level with a "Gold" rank to unlock Hector Babasco and Lean Molly as playable characters in arcade mode.
Challenge Pane In The Neck Level Rewards
Successfully complete the Challenge Pane In The Neck level with a "Silver" rank to unlock the Rotating Heads cheat.
Ending Bonuses
Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Cardboard Characters cheat and Streets level in arcade mode.
Get Lean Molly & Hector Babasco
Use arcade mode and get a gold medal in Adios Amigos.
Get Rotating Heads Cheat
Beat the pane in the Neck in Silver (Challenge Mode).
Unlock Big Ears Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Escape From NeoTokyo' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Pirate Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Trouble At The Docks' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Viking Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Silent But Deadly' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Feeder Zombie Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Day Of The Damned' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Sergio Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Sergio's Last Stand' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Sewer Zombie Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Fight Off The Living Dead' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock The Hunchback Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Stain Removal' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Brick Weapon
Get a silver or better in the 'Bricking It' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Circus Arcade Level
Get a bronze or better in the 'Dam Bursters' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Robofish Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Dam Bursters' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Lola Varuska Character
Get a gold or better in the 'Monkey Mayhem' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Mischief Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Monkey Mayhem' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Quick Reloading/Cooling
Sometimes when a weapon needs reloading or cooling down, simply change weapons and change back (from the Pause menu) and you will reload/cool the weapon automatically.
Unlock Insect Mutant Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Simian Shooter' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Cropolite Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock R-One-Oh-Seven Charcter
Get a silver or better in the 'Where Do The Batteries Go?' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Badass Cyborg Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Badass Buspass Impasse' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Sgt Rock Character
Get a bronze or better in the 'Pick Yer Piece' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Ample Sally Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Take 'Em Down' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Wood Golem Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Playing With Fire' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Private Coal Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Gone Bananas' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Private Coal Character
Get a silver or better in the 'Banana Chomp' challenge in Challenge Mode.
Unlock Honorary and Elite League
Get a bronze or better on all Amateur League minigames to get the Honorary League games, Get a bronze or better on all Honorary League minigames to get the Elite League.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
Good Team Performance
Switch characters that you are playing about every 30 seconds to 1 minute or something close to that on a level.[It doesn't matter who you are].
Super Monkey Ball 2
Party games
It takes 2,500 play points to unlock a party game. The best way to rack up quick points is to play challenge mode. Play the Beginner level a few times without continuing to earn extra stages that will help your score skyrocket.
Bonus levels
Select the beginner difficulty setting and complete all ten levels in World 1 without using any continues to unlock 10 bonus beginner levels. Select the advanced difficulty setting and complete all thirty levels in Worlds 2 through 4 without using any continues to unlock 10 bonus advanced levels. Select the expert difficulty setting and complete all fifty levels in Worlds 5 through 10 without using any continues to unlock 10 bonus expert levels.
Master difficulty setting
Select the expert difficulty setting and complete all fifty levels in Worlds 5 through 10 and the ten bonus expert levels without using any continues.
Master bonus levels
Complete all ten master mode levels without using any continues.
Secret Area in Monkey Dogfight
Go to Monkey Dogfight and set it to survival mode(so you'll have plenty of time). Choose the Space Monkey Wars level. Fly down until you reach the floor. Then fly into one of the ditches in the floor. Then while staying on the ground in the ditch fly straight through the wall. You should be in a big pitch black area outside of the arena. If you fly to low you'll hit a big pool of water.
Super Bust A Move 2: Again
Another World
At the "Push Start button" screen, press Y, Left, Right, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear in the top right corner of the screen. Select puzzle mode and then arcade mode to access additional levels.
Bonus characters
At the "Push Start button" screen, press Y, Right, Left, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear in the top left corner of the screen.