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Super Smash Brothers: Melee

Change Music on Level Secret

To change the music on any level hold the L and R button when selecting a level. Keep it pressed until the game starts. If you do it correctly the stage will be playing a different tune than usual.

Unlock Final Destination Level

To unlock the Final Destination level, complete all the Event Matches. You will also get Sound Test.

Unlock the Classic Dream Land Level

To unlock the classic Dream Land level from the old Smash, complete Target Test with all the characters.

Unlock Battlefield Level

To unlock the Blattlefield level play All-Star mode with any character and complete it. To get All-Star mode you must unlock Mewtwo. You will also get the Battlefield trophy.

Unlock Yong Link

To unlock Young Link from Majora's Mask, play with at least 10 characters in 1-player mode.

Unlock Classic Congo Jungle Level

To unlock the classic Congo Jungle from the old Smash, play with Donkey Kong in 15-minute Melee and complete it. You will also get the wireframe trophy.

Dr. Mario

Successfully complete the game in classic mode as Mario without losing a life. Alternately, play 100 versus mode matches. The winner of the 100th match will fight Dr. Mario. Defeat him and he will become a playable character.

Falco Lombardi

Complete the 100 man melee.


Complete event mode #29 to unlock Ganondorf.


Successfully complete the game with any character under any difficulty setting. Continues are allowed.

Unlock Luigi

To unlock Luigi, one of the hidden characters, beat "Adventure" mode twice on any difficulty. After you beat it the second time, you will face "the new foe that appears".

Unlock Pichu

To unlock Pichu, you must do one of the following: Play v.s. mode over 200 times or unlock Luigi and Falco, then beat event #37.

Unlock Marth

To unlock Marth, you must do one of the following:Play v.s. mode over 400 times or use ALL 14 default characters at least once in v.s. mode.

Unlock Roy

Defeat Classic Mode with Marth with only 2 lives and you may not lose a life.

Unlock Mewtwo

You must play VS. Mode either 700 times or 20 hours.

Play as Mr. Game & Watch

Successfully complete classic mode with all 24 characters or complete break the targets mode with all 24 characters. You will then be challenged by him. When you defeat him, you get him as a character.

To unlock Planet Zebes

Brinstar Depths, play 50 v.s. mode matches.

To unlock Kanto Skies

Poke' Floats, play 200 v.s. mode matches.

To unlock Superflat World

Flat Zone, beat Classic Mode with Mr, Game & Watch.

To unlock Yoshi's Island

Hit over 1,300 feet in the Home Run Contest with Yoshi.

Unlock Eagleland: Fourside City

To unlock Eagleland:Fourside City,play 100 v.s. mode matches.

Unlock F - Zero Grand Prix: Big Blue

To unlock the F-Zero Grand Prix:Big Blue,play 150 v.s. mode matches.

Easier Way To Unlock Luigi

Use any character and play 'adventure mode'. You must beat the first level (Mushroom Kingdom) with 3 minutes and 32 seconds left on the timer. If you do that correctly you face Luigi and Peach on the next level. Beat the rest of adventure mode without losing a life. When you finish you will battle Luigi again. Defeat him and he's a new fighting character.

Best Character for Home-Run Contest

Many people have trouble hitting the sandbag over 1,500 meters. Yoshi is the best character to use for this contest. Jump above the sandbag and then press down A to dish out damage. Do this about four or five times and then swing the bat. The sandbag will go extremely far. If your an expert at this, you can probably get the sandbag to 140% damage. I got over 2,000 meters with Yoshi which is quite hard to do. You will also get the paper mario trophy and Yoshi's Island.

Symphony Music Theme

When the "press start" screen appears, hold Z and press start. A different music theme should come on the main menu.

Mew Trophy

You DO NOT get the Mew Trophy from seeing Mew from a Poke ball but by completing All-Star on hard or very hard (continues allowed).

Facing Giga Bowser

Complete Adventure mode without any continues on Normal or above in less than 18 mins and the Bowser at the end will come back after being defeated as a huge Giga Bowser.

Another Home Run Guide

This way requires no smash moves until the last hit with the bat. Choose Ice Climbers and do a Forward + A attack to pin the sadbag down. If it flies, restart. Now do a strong (not smash) Up + A, if it flies high then restart. Now press B as it lands, do another strong Up + A. Pin it down one last time and swing. It should go over 450m/1450ft to get you the Paper Mario trophy.

Defeating 15 Min Melee

This unlocks the past stage of Kongo Jungle. It is quite hard but you need to know one thing, the male wireframes are aggressive and will attack you while the female ones are territorial. Simply deal with male wireframes until you are left with all female. They rarely attack you and if they do put up a weak shield. If they don't stop attacking KO them and wait for another female to spawn.

Guarantee a new trophy

Isn't it annoying when you get a trophy you already have in the lottery. Here's how to make sure it never happens again.

First back up your save game file. Then go into the lottery window. The game will save. Now pull out your memory card and put in the coin. If the trophy is not new, put back in the memory card and reset. You will still have all your coins and the old trophy will not be there. When it asks you to load the game press yes.

If it is new, put back in the memory card, exit lottery and overwrite save. There, guaranteed new trophy!

Event 50 Strategies

The hardest event there is I think. Harder than Event 51 as you only have one life. There are ways to beat the hands though.

Always attack Crazy Hand (the left one) first. Anticipate their attack and jump away. If they try to poke or grab you jump then quickly fall.

You can either use Yoshi's midair down+a attack constantly or Pikachu's thunder constantly. Roy/Marth/C.Falcon/Ganon all have Smash Up moves that can hit them from the ground. Kirby is also good with his transform.

Other ways to unlock characters

You can also unlock charcters by playing a certain number of normal melees. After completing the number of melees required to unlock them, they will challenge you. This is good because it is easy if fight them again if you fail and you can choose the charcter you want. (Plus you can use the C-Stick!)

Character - Matches Until s/he Appears

Dr. Mario - 100

Pichu - 200

Falco - 300

Marth - 400

Young Link - 500

Ganondorf - 600

Mewtwo - 700

Luigi - 800

Roy - 900

Mr. Game & Watch - 1000

Jigglypuff must be done the normal way though.

Do You Have "The Power" ?

Ness has been known to unleash powerful energy based special attacks. They are his "PK Thunder"(Up+B), "PK Flash"(B),"PK Fire"(Right or Left+B), and "PK Shield"(Down+B). All are useful- but PK Thunder is special. You can use it to boost yourself being hit at an angle, or use it to shock enemies. But, there's a little known fact: you can have a shock running through you if you can do this. __First, perform the PK Thunder. Make sure you don't touch anything with the Thunder. Then, have an enemy hit you while you shake on the ground (controlling the Thunder). You will cancel the attack. Now- look at Ness. He will have a shock running through him occasionally for a good 30 seconds. I am currently rechecking to see if the backfire can EMPOWER Ness.

Giant Kirby

You can battle a giant kirby on Adventure mode if you defeat the 15 kirbys on Green greens in under 30 seconds.

100 Man Melee Hint

In the 100 Man Melee, you should be either Fox or Roy. The have the fastest yet strongest moves to get them gone. I have completed the 100 Man Melee in under 3 minutes!

Bunny Ears

The Bunny Ears make you run much faster and jump much higher. They are a big help in an intense battle!

Alternate Music

To listen to alternative music tracks on select stages press and hold either one of the two analog trigger buttons (L or R) when picking your stage. The following stages have alternate music tracks available:

Great Bay: Saria's Song

Hyrule Temple: Fire Emblem

Icicle Mountain: Balloon Fight

Big Blue: Mach Rider

Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Bros. 3

Onett: Earthbound (2)

Pokemon Stadium: Pokemon Battle Theme

Mushroom Kingdoms I and II: Dr. Mario

Battlefield: Multi-Man Melee Theme

Final Destination: Alternate SSBM Theme

Unlock Event Matches

There are 51 Event Matches to unlock and finish, but not all are immediatley playeble. here are the contents of event matches and how to get them

Event Match 1-10: Immediatley playable

11-15: Complete 6 previous event matches

16-20: Complete 10 previous event matches

21-25: Complete 16 previous event matches

26-29: complete 22 previous event matches

30: Complete 27 previous event matches

31-39: Complete all previous event matches and have Falco, Luigi, Young Link and Jigglypuff unlocked

40-50: All characters except Pichu and Mr. Game and Watch must be unlocked

51: Complete all 50 other event matches and defeat Giga bowser in Story Mode

Score Display

If you manage to rack up 5000 KOs in Multiplayer, you will have a Score Display option which displays the current score during the game instead of having to see at the end of the game.

Fox's Friends

This is a neat little trick. In any of fox's stages (Corneria or Venom) keep pressing left-right-left-right repeatedly on the D-pad. He will bend over for 5 seconds, and then his three friends pop up at the bottom of the screen in classic Star Fox style. All they do is spout crap, but its pretty cool. Note: for those who don't believe me this came out of an official magazine and i've tried it. It works. This may take a bit of practice, it takes a stressfully long time. From the one and only Dirty Sanchez.

Get 3 Characters at One Time

Go to the Adventure mode character select screen. Select Mario as you're playing character. Beat Adventure Mode 1-1 with "two" as the last digit on your clock. That way, you'll unlock Luigi. In the same game, complete it with out continues. That's how you unlock Dr. Mario and Jigglypuff. There's your three characters!

100 Man Melee

When you play it's better to use D.K ,Link or Young Link, because when D.K pounds on the ground it's hard for the wireframes to get near you Link and Young Link do the spinny thingy. The last wireframe is not like the others he/she is like a normal character it does not get knocked out easily.

Lon Lon Milk Tropht

In order to bet this trophy, you must beat young Link's Target Test in less than 45 seconds.

Secret Trophies

To get trophies that describe character's: B-button attacks, successfully complete either "Adventure" mode or "All-Star" mode with that character. Completing "Adventure" unlocks the trophy that displays the "B" attack, & the "Smash B" attack. Completing "All-Star" unlocks "Up & B" attack & "Down & B" Attack.

Note: These special trophies have a [SMASH] icon next to their name. You can unlock them at any difficulty.

Custom Melees

Do a multiplayer melee with these customs.

(NOTE: ALL contestants must be COMs)

>>>>KINGDOM KLASH<<<< FREE-FOR-ALL-Stock-5 lives-No Time limit
contestants: Mario-lvl:9




ARENA: Mushroom Kingdom II

Items: (Very-High)

Super Mushroom

Poison Mushroom


Metal Box


Fire Flower



>>>>Bounty Hunters<<<< TEAM BATTLE-Stock-5 lives-No time limit
contestants: RED TEAM: Samus-lvl:9

Captain Falcon-lvl:9

BLUE TEAM: Fox-lvl:9


ARENA: Corneria

Items: (Very High)


Super Scope

Beam Sword

Cloaking Device

Motion-Sensor Bomb

(NOTE: I know it's not really a cheat, but it's fun to watch your own custom battles. Try making your own up. I'll be back with more soon!

Poke'mon Battle Custom Melee

FreeForAll-Stock-3 lives-no time limit






ARENA: Kanto Stadium

Items: (Very High)

Poke' Balls



Mario-Beat Classic w/ Mario.

Smash Mario #1-Beat Adventure w/ Mario.

Smash Mario #2-Beat All-Star w/ Mario.

Luigi-Beat Classic w/ Luigi.

Smash Luigi #1-Beat Adventure w/ Luigi.

Smash Luigi #2-Beat All-Star w/ Luigi.

Donkey Kong-Beat Classic w/ DK.

Smash DK #1-Beat Adventure w/ DK.

Smash DK #2-Beat All-Star w/ DK.

Samus Aran-Beat Classic w/ Samus.

Smash Samus #1-Beat Adventure w/ Samus.

Smash Samus #2-Beat All-Star w/ Samus.

Peach-Beat Classic w/ Peach.

Smash Peach #1-Beat Adventure w/ Peach.

Smash Peach #2-Beat All-Star w/ Peach.

Bowser-Beat Classic w/ Bowser.

Smash Bowser #1-Beat Adventure w/ Bowser.

Smash Bowser #2-Beat All-Star w/ Bowser.

Yoshi-Beat Classic w/ Yoshi.

Smash Yoshi #1-Beat Adventure w/ Yoshi.

Smash Yoshi #2-Beat All-Star w/ Yoshi.

Ice Climbers-Beat Classic w/ Ice Climbers.

Smash Ice Climbers #1-Beat Adventure w/ IC.

Smash Ice Climbers #2-Beat All-Star w/ IceClimber.

Ness-Beat Classic w/ Ness.

Smash Ness #1-Beat Adventure w/ Ness.

Smash Ness #2-Beat All-Star w/ Ness.

Pikachu-Beat Classic w/ Pikachu.

Smash Pikachu #1-Beat Adventure w/ Pikachu.

Smash Pikachu #2-Beat All-Star w/ Pikachu.

Link-Beat Classic w/ Link.

Smash Link #1-Beat Adventure w/ Link.

Smash Link #2-Beat All-Star w/ Link.

Young Link-Beat Classic w/ Y.Link.

Smash Y.Link #1-Beat Adventure w/ Y.Link.

Smash Y.Link #2-Beat All-Star w/ Y.Link.

Fox-Beat Classic w/ Fox.

Smash Fox #1-Beat Adventure w/ Fox.

Smash Fox #2-Beat All-Star w/ Fox.

Mewtwo-Beat Classic w/ Mewtwo.

Smash Mewtwo #1-Beat Adventure w/ Mewtwo.

Smash Mewtwo #2-Beat All-Star w/ Mewtwo.

Falco-Beat Adventure w/ Falco.

Smash Falco #1-Beat Adventure w/ Falco.

Smash Falco #2-Beat All-Star w/ Falco.

C.Falcon-Beat Classic w/ C.Falcon.

Smash C.Falcon #1-Beat Adventure w/ C.Falcon.

Smash C.Falcon #2-Beat All-Star w/ C.Falcon.

Kirby-Beat Classic w/ Kirby.

Smash Kirby #1-Beat Adventure w/ Kirby.

Smash Kirby #2-Beat All-Star w/ Kirby.

Jigglypuff-Beat Classic w/ Jigglypuff.

Smash Jigglypuff #1-Beat Adventure w/ Jigglypuff.

Smash Jigglypuff #2-Beat All-Star w/ Jigglypuff.

Zelda/Shiek-Beat Classic w/ Zelda/Shiek.

Smash Zelda/Shiek #1-Beat Adventure w/ Zelda/Shiek

Smash Zelda/Shiek #2-Beat All-Star w/ Zelda/Shiek.

Pichu-Beat Classic w/ Pichu.

Smash Pichu #1-Beat Adventure w/ Pichu.

Smash Pichu #2-Beat All-Star w/ Pichu.

Marth-Beat Classic w/ Marth.

Smash Marth #1-Beat Adventure w/ Marth.

Smash Marth #2-Beat All-Star w/ Marth.

Roy-Beat Classic w/ Roy.

Smash Roy #1-Beat Adventure w/ Roy.

Smash Roy #2-Beat All-Star w/ Roy.

Ganondorf-Beat Classic w/ Ganondorf.

Smash Ganondorf #1-Beat Adventure w/ Ganondorf.

Smash Ganondorf #2-Beat All-Star w/ Ganondorf.

Mr. Game & Watch-Beat Classic w/ Mr. Game & Watch.

Smash Mr. G&W #1-Beat Adventure w/ Mr. Game&Watch.

Smash Mr. G&W #2-Beat All-Star w/ Mr.Game & Watch.

Paper Mario-Get over 1400 ft. in Home Run Derby.

Mew-Beat All-Star on Hard.

Male Wire Frame-Beat 100-Man Melee.

Lon Lon Milk-Beat Y.Link's Target Test under 45sec

Goomba-Beat Trophy Tussle 1 in Event Matches.

Entei-Beat Trophy Tussle 2 in Event Matches.

Majora's Mask-Beat Trophy Tussle 3.

Element Kirbys

Fire Kirby- Have a Red Kirby inhale Bowser.

Ice Kirby- Have a Blue Kirby inhale Ice Climbers.

Lightning Kirby- Have a Yellow Kirby inhale Pikachu/Pichu.

Warrior Kirby- Have a Green Kirby inhale Young/Link & get a Beam Sword.

Fighter Kirby- Have a Red Kirby inhale C.Falcon.

Bird Kirby- Have a Blue or Yellow Kirby inhale Falco.

Fist Fights

Wanna do a fight without any cheap launching attacks such as Young/Link's arrows. Select the following:

Vs.Mode>Special Melee>Stamina.

No Items-Stock-1 Life-Any Arena

Only these characters can be used:



Donkey Kong






Zelda's Quick Change

If you've ever wanted to start as Shiek in a fight, just press Down+B during the loading moment just before the fight starts. Before the "READY...GO!". Not during it. If you do it correctly, you should hear Zelda change before the "READY...Go!".

Secret Movie

In case you never have known about this Special Movie, from the main menu, select "Data", then "Archives", and finally: "Special Movie". This movie shows the default characters.

Falcon Flyer Trophy

Unlock the "Grand Prix: Big Blue" arena to get Captain Falcon's Bounty Hunter ship.

Giga Bowser Trophy

Defeat Giga Bowser in Adventure Mode. You can face him by defeating Bowser in adventure on the Normal difficulty under 18 minutes. NO continues.

Target Trophy

Successfully complete "Target Test" with all characters. You also get "Past Stages: Dream Land".

Memory Card Trophies

If you play SSBM w/ a memory card w/ a "Luigi's Mansion" file &/or a Pikmin file, you can get a "Vacuum Luigi" &/or a "Pikmin" trophy(ies)!

Falco's Friends

On either Corneria or Venom, as Falco, press Left, Right, Left, Right, repeatedly. Slippy, Peppy, & Fox will call Falco.

Quick Draw McCloud

Stamina-No Items

1P- Fox

2P- Fox

Arena: Final Destination

Rules: Each Player lower their HP to 1%. Both players then stand at each end. Count to 3. On 3, use either the Blaster (B) or Reflector (Down+B).

WINNER: Last one standing wins.

Fox Shootout

Stamina-No items

1P: Fox

2P: Fox

Arena: Final Destination/ Battlefield

WINNER: 1st to Shoot foe down.

Rules: Only use B attack (Blaster) NOTHING ELSE!

Vs. Metroid

Stamina-No Items

1P: Samus

Com1: Bowser (Black)

Arena: (Your Choice)

Metroid Fusion Vs.

This can be 1 or 2 player. Follow these instructions:

Vs.Mode>Special Melee>Stamina

Once your here, choose these options:

Team Battle-No Time

P1: Samus-Blue

P2/Com:Samus-Red (lv.5)

Items: (high)


Super Scope

Screw Attack

Arena: Poke'mon Stadium

Pokemon Powers

Pokemon-Attack used:Effect

Staryu-Swift:Follows foe & fires

Chansey-Softboiled:Tosses eggs that hold items

Charizard-Flamethrower:Shoots fire left & right

Blastoise-Hydro Pump:Fires water at foe

Electrode-Selfdestruct:Explodes hurting everyone

Venusaur-Earthquake:Hurts foe(s) in random places

Chikorita-Razor Leaf:Flings leaves in 1 direction

Cyndaquil-Ember:Burns in 1 spot

Marill-Rollout:Hops along stage ramming foes

Goldeen-Splash:Does nothing

Bellossom-Sleep Powder:Puts nearby foes asleep

Weezing-Smog:Puffs smoke nearby hurting foes

Snorlax-Body Slam:Becomes huge & slams foes

Porygon2-Take Down:Rams foes & disappears

Mew-????:Floats away giving you 10000 pts.

Celebi-????:Floats away giving you 100000 pts.

Articuno-Blizzard:Freezes nearby foes

Moltres-Fire Spin:Repeatedly burns foes

Zapdos-Thunderbolt:Repeatedly shocks foes

Suicune-Gust:Whacks nearby foes with wind

Raikou-Spark:Shocks nearbu foes

Entei-Fire Blast:Heavily burns nearby foes

Wobbuffet-Counter: After being hit,hits close foes

Lugia-Aeroblast:Flies into background & fires

Ho-oh-Sacred Fire:Flies into background & fires

Another 15 minute melee strategy

Ok, if you just want to beat the 15 min melee and you don't care how, use DK. Position yourself under the the right or left lower platforms and face the center of the board. Hold down on the control and press B repeatedly for the duration of the challenge. DK will pound the ground continually and the wireframes won't stand a chance. Now, as the enemies blast off the screen, DK is pushed in either direction, so repositioning occasionally is important in avoiding being pushed off the board.

15 minutes of this was rather tedious, but I was able to beat this melee on my first try using this method. I suffered less than 150% damage and took out over 700 wire-frames.

Kirby stuff

Here are 3 cool things you can do as Kirby:

1. Suck in Mr. Game and Watch so you can use the Chef move. Jump off the edge and use Chef. If you die just as your saucepan is at it's highest you'll come back as a normal Kirby holding a grey saucepan.

2. Be near the edge and grab an opponent. Move left or right so Kirby jumps off. Kirby will die but so will the enemy normally. This is best used on Donkey Kong.

3. Suck in the enemy. Press A and Kirby will shoot out the enemy as a star. This is best used at edges or near detonating explosives like Banzai Bill, an Electrode or a bomb-omb.

Crack the Screen

Go to Melee Mode and KO your opponent 5 times. Each time make him hit the screen. This will cause the screen to look like its cracked.

My Custom Matches

#1 Sword Warriors

Lv.9 Link, Lv.9 Young Link, Lv.9 Marth, Lv.9 Roy. Items:Heart Contaner and Beam Sword. Stage:Great Bay or Hyrule Temple.

#2 Mushroom Kingdom Clash

Lv.9 Mario, Lv.9 Luigi, Lv.9 Peach, Lv.9 Bowser. Items:All Mario items. Stage:Peach's Castle.

#3 Pokemon Brawl

Lv.9 Pikachu, Lv.9 Pichu, Lv.9 Mewtwo, Lv.9 Jigglypuff. Items:Pokeballs. Stage:Pokemon Stadiom.

#4 Hyrule Kingdom Clash

Lv. 9 Link, Lv. 9 Zelda, Lv. 9 Ganondorf, Lv. 9 Young Link. Items:Heart Container and Beam Sword. Stage:Hyrule Temple.

Tips on Young Links Target test

1.At the beginning, to get out of the two trees, jump to one side of them. Then quickly turn the control stick to the oppisite side and keep on doing that until you get to the top. 2.To get the target inside the of wood and stone stand on the wood platform on the right side of the surrounded target. Jump then double jump and while you are in the air do foward+B to throw his boomerang then quickly go down to the second sideways V shaped platform and the boomerang will slice threw the wood and target.

Get Meowth Trophy

Complete All-star match with every character.

Over 1,300 feet on Homerun Contest/Sandbag Trophy

First, goto Homerun Contest and choose Roy. Next, do the A up move about 3 times. Then, do the B move (holding it down). You should get over 1,300 feet. You will also get the Sandbag trophy.

Cool Custom Games


Team Battle Stock 5

Players:Marth(red)Bowser(blue)lvl 2 Bowser(blue)lvl 2

Bowser(blue)lvl 2


Event match 50 hint

A good hint for event match 50 is when your choosing your character choose Donkey Kong. When your fighting, attack only the left hand, then master hand. The best attack to use is the up+B attack. I suggest jumping once before using the attack.

Sidekicks Showdown

This is my last custom match. Rules: Players, Luigi lv.9, Young Link or Zelda (your choice) Lv.9, Pichu lv.9, Falco lv.9. Stage, Final Destination. Stock Match, 5 lives. Damage Ratio, 0.5. This is my 2nd favorite custom match.

Bad Guys Showdown

This is another custom showdown. Rules: Players, Ganondorf lv.9, Mewtwo Lv.9, Bowser lv.9. Stage, Final Destination. Stock Match, 10 lives. Damage Ratio, 0.7. This is my third favorite custom match.

Good Guys Showdown

This is a custom match. To do this rather you pick Mario, Link, Pikachu, or Fox, or you can make them all computers. Here are the rules: Mario lv.9, Link lv.9, Pikachu lv.9, Fox lv.9. Stock Match, 10 lives. Damage Ratio, 0.7. Stage, Final Destanation. This is my favorite custom match.

Final Destination Stage

To unlock this stage beat Event Match 51, The Showdown.

Mario and Wario

This is a custom match. Pick Mario (red) Lv.9, Mario (yellow) Lv. 9, Peach (pink) lv.1, and Peach (yellow) Lv.1. Stage: Peach's Castle or Final Destination. Rules: Coin Match and put 5:00 minutes on the clock. Mario and Wario is trying to inpress the princess' and/or is trying to see who's the best, if your doing the one to see who's the best replace the two Peachs with Luigi at Lv. 7 and Dr. Mario at lv. 5. You can be in the match. It don't matter.

See at vendor's WWW page


Super Puzzle Bobble All-Stars

Another World

Press Y, Left, Right, Y at the "Push Start button" screen. A message will appear in the top right corner of the screen to confirm correct code entry. Select puzzle mode and then arcade mode to access additional levels.

Secret characters

Press Y, Right, Left, Y at the "Push Start button" screen. A message will appear in the top left corner of the screen to confirm correct code entry.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Super Monkey Ball 2

Party games

It takes 2,500 play points to unlock a party game. The best way to rack up quick points is to play challenge mode. Play the Beginner level a few times without continuing to earn extra stages that will help your score skyrocket.

Bonus levels

Select the beginner difficulty setting and complete all ten levels in World 1 without using any continues to unlock 10 bonus beginner levels. Select the advanced difficulty setting and complete all thirty levels in Worlds 2 through 4 without using any continues to unlock 10 bonus advanced levels. Select the expert difficulty setting and complete all fifty levels in Worlds 5 through 10 without using any continues to unlock 10 bonus expert levels.

Master difficulty setting

Select the expert difficulty setting and complete all fifty levels in Worlds 5 through 10 and the ten bonus expert levels without using any continues.

Master bonus levels

Complete all ten master mode levels without using any continues.

Secret Area in Monkey Dogfight

Go to Monkey Dogfight and set it to survival mode(so you'll have plenty of time). Choose the Space Monkey Wars level. Fly down until you reach the floor. Then fly into one of the ditches in the floor. Then while staying on the ground in the ditch fly straight through the wall. You should be in a big pitch black area outside of the arena. If you fly to low you'll hit a big pool of water.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Super Monkey Ball

Finding bananas

Note where your monkey's head is turning to find the closest banana, whether it can be picked up or not.

Unlimited Continues

After you have unlocked all three mini-games (Monkey Billiards, Monkey Bowling, and Monkey Golf), you can then keep getting points and then eventually get the unlimited continues unlocked.

Bonus Level During Credits

When playing Challenge Mode select any difficulty level, beginner, advanced or expert, and beat it. You will be on a very long level where the people who are credited for the game name's appear at the top. The letters of the people's names will fall and you must dodge them while collecting bananas. If you hit a letter you lose bananas. The more bananas you have at the end the higher the ranking you will recieve.

Get Master Mode

Finish the game using Expert mode with no continues.

Get Red Warp Easy

On stage 18 of Advanced difficulty, there is a blue, green and red warp. An easy way to get the red warp is to just go forward a few feet then go off the right edge. You will fall on a lower platform. Just wait there and the red warp will come by in a few seconds

Easy 200 in target mode

On the level with the pyramids on the two sides: fly straight out to the middle platform, then hang at right. You should be able to glide gently to the pyramid and drop right on the 200 or 300. Use the 3x multiplier for more points.

Warp From Stage 2 to Stage 5

On stage two of beginner turn around as soon as you start and you'll see a ramp go up the ramp as slow as possible and still make it over the edge. If you did it correctly you should see a goal gate that will take you to stage five.

Mini Games

If you want to be able to play all the mini games once you have earned 2500 points your game should be saved. Now before selecting which mini game to buy take your memory card out and select a game. Now if you want to play another mini game just restart start the console with memory card in, data will be loaded on game load automatically and once again on mini game mode take your memory card out before selecting a game.

Skip credits

Hold L + R and repeatedly press A when you see the first words appear.

Quick finish in Monkey Race

During any Monkey Race on any setting, press L + R + A + X + Y to instantly finish the race.

Expert Level - Warp From Stage 3 to Stage 5

On Stage 3 on the expert level, enter the GOAL when it rotates to the color green. Then you'll warp to the bonus stage 5 level.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Super Mario Sunshine

Sunglasses and Hawaiian Shirt

Both of these items are given to you by the man wearing sunglasses. You can get the Sunglasses by obtaining 30 shines. You can get the Hawaiian Shirt after completing the game.

End Bonus

Successfully complete and save your game. Then you can pay 10 coins to use a boat near the clock tower where Yoshi is found to return to the Airport level at the start of the game.

Alternate ending screen

If you complete the game with 119 Shine Sprites or less you will get an ending screen in which el Piantissimo inspects the paintbrush. However, if you finish it with all 120 Shine Sprites, the ending screen will show all the characters in the game.

Finding coins

Find a patch of flowers and spray them all quickly. Four or five Coins will appear from the middle of the patch.


To seem as if it is raining, have the sprayer equipped and do a triple jump. Then, hold R after you land. Drops will be falling from the sky.

Select files with moves

When you are selecting a file you can do a Spin Move and the Side Jump to get onto the blocks.

Spinning jump

After jumping, you can do a spin by rotating the Analog-stick once in a circle.

Avoid losing health when falling

When falling from high places, press L to do a Ground Pound. This will make you fall very fast and not lose health.

Faster transportation

To make Mario get around a little faster, use the single spray nozzle and shoot a small amount of water in front of him. Run and press B to do a belly slide. He will slide through the water and keep going at a high speed. This will continue as long as you do not hit anything.

Swim faster

When swimming, switch to your hover and press R. It will give you a little boost while swimming.

Easy cleaning

Instead of taking a bath each time Mario gets dirty, do one or two spin jumps.

Get two shine sprites in Delfino Plaza

To get the first shine sprite, go to the lighthouse (not the lighthouse where you can get a shine sprite by using ten coins)and hover across the big blocks and jump into the tube.Then complete the mini level, it will get you a shine sprite.To get the second shine sprite, you will need the gray nozzle. There is a door with a shine sprite trapped,to get it activate your gray nozzle and run into the door, you should have it.


In Gelato Beach and other levels where there are Bubbas (the big red fish that drags Mario underwater), you can keep them from doing this attack with this little trick. Pick up a piece of fruit and start swimming with it. It will enable a glitch where they cannot drag you. This is very useful for the Red Coin Shine in Gelato Beach.

Conserve Lives

To build up Mario's stock, try to quit stages when you are about to die. This would apply to stages like the racing stages (with the Islander who likes to race) and some of the mini-stages (like the Pachinko stage). If you can restart the stage easily (and quickly), you should learn to quit when Mario is in danger of dying. This will let you have a large stock of lives to tackle stages and mini-stages that you want a lot of lives to spend on (the Dead Leaf in a Dirty Brook mini-stage comes immediately to mind).

Return to the Airport

Once you've beaten the game (and saved your game), you will be able to go back to the Airport from the very beginning. It'll cost you, though. For the price of 10 coins, a boat close to the clocktower where you find Yoshi will take you to the Airport level -- which is filled with coins and fun stuff to do.

Get the first shine in Dolfino Plaza easier

The easy way to get the shine near the lighthouse in the pipe over the pillar things is to jump whenever you hit an obstacle and hover over/around the gaps.

Water Splash Backflip

This code activates when you hold down the R Button and then press the A Button to make a big Squirt and a backflip.This code also works with yoshi but he does not do a backflip.

Easy Lives

After you beat the game you can go to the Delfino Airport. When your there gather 100 coins to obtain a 1-up. Exit the stage and head over toward the cannon that sends you to Delfino Park. Dive in the water at the end of the street and at the sea floor is a hole with a free man. Get it and return to the Delfino Airstrip. it costs 10 coins which means you now have 90. Gather 10 more to get the 1-up and then leave. Get the one under the water again and keep repeating this trick for massive lives.

Music Fudging

This trick works on the Gelato Beach level in the stage, "Wiggler Ahoy! Full Steam Ahead!". Battle Wiggler as usual, then, when you've ground pounded the worm the third time, you'll hear the boss music slow down. Before the Shine Sprite appears, press Z to view your map.

If you timed the Z press correctly, you'll hear the slower remix of the boss music! In the map mode, hit cancel, then IMMEDIATELY press the Z button again to listen to a much faster remix! This doesn't give you any extra lives or anything, BUT it is useful if you love game music!

Fruity Flips

In any episode ,except 3 in the level with the Minor walkers, if you bring Fruit by the minor walkers on land, they will automatically flip over.

Begining Mishap

In the beginning, when you are doing "Road To Big Windmill", look at the top of the windmill and you will notice that Petey is already there. If you beat him at this time, you will skip the first stage and you will be able to go to the third level. This is how you get to him. First, go to those platforms that have the ropes attached to the side, and jump up the ropes to the wood and start going up the side of the windmill and eventually get to the top where Petey resides. It will be just like the battle in the second level. Beat Petey and you have access to the third level without having to do all of the work of the first level. Hope this will help you in some strange sort of way.

Easy Coins / Blue Coins

If you don't know how to use the circle spots on the ground (doesn't matter where you are) then here's how. First, step onto the circle. Then, do a ground pound on it. There, you will fall down a hole and you will get to explore underground! You can find coins or sometimes even blue coins. Use them to get to secret places.

Easy Shine Sprites

For An Easy Shine Sprite Go To the Lighthouse with the passage way to Gelato Beach,but don't go to Gealto Beach, Run Around Squirting F.L.U.D.D. The Spray Nozzle ,Not Hover Nozzle. When You see Red sparks keep spraying in that area untill you get a shine sprite.

For another Shine Sprie when you get the rocket nozzle in delfino plaza go to the same light house in the above cheat. Rocket jump to the top and you should see a black cover. Rocket jump again and ground pound tobreak off the cover a shine sprite will apear.

Go to the island that man is marooned on and get on top of the tree. You should see a golden bird spray it and it will drop a shine sprite.

On level *8* in Pianta Village climb the tallest tree and get on top of the platform in the middle of the tree there should also be a red coin there. Look up at the sun and spray at it to get an easy shine sprite.

Get Yoshi

Progress though the game till you get 25 Shine Sprites. Go to Pinnal Park and complete Story #4 . You will now be back in town. The Fake Mario will appear with an egg. Chase him down to get Yoshi.

Yoshi juice

After eating a fruit, Yoshi can then spit out juice to defeat enemies.

Higher jumps with Yoshi

Do Mario's spinning technique when on Yoshi to jump higher. He can also spit juice in this form.

Begining Mishap

In the beginning, when you are doing "Road To Big Windmill", look at the top of the windmill and you will notice that Petey is already there. If you beat him at this time, you will skip the first stage and you will be able to go to the third level. This

is how you get to him. First, go to those platforms that have the ropes attached to the side, and jump up the ropes to the wood and start going up the side of the windmill and eventually get to the top where Petey resides. It will be just like the

battle in the second level. Beat Petey and you have access to the third level without having to do all of the work of the first level. Hope this will help you in some strange sort of way.

Music Fudging

This trick works on the Gelato Beach level in the stage, "Wiggler Ahoy! Full Steam Ahead!". Battle Wiggler as usual, then, when you've ground pounded the worm the third time, you'll hear the boss music slow down. Before the Shine Sprite appears, press Z to view your map.

If you timed the Z press correctly, you'll hear the slower remix of the boss music! In the map mode, hit cancel, then IMMEDIATELY press the Z button again to listen to a much faster remix! This doesn't give you any extra lives or anything, BUT it is useful if you love game music!

Pinball Table Level in Delfino Plaza

Go to the harbour in Delfino Plaza. Wait awhile and a boat will come in. Jump on top of the boat and wait for it to leave. As you are going under the bridge, jump and get the coin. You will go inside a secret level. Collect the coins for a Shine.

See at vendor's WWW page


Super Bust A Move 2: Again

Another World

At the "Push Start button" screen, press Y, Left, Right, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear in the top right corner of the screen. Select puzzle mode and then arcade mode to access additional levels.

Bonus characters

At the "Push Start button" screen, press Y, Right, Left, Y. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear in the top left corner of the screen.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


Shrek: Super Party

Spilt Milk: Easy win

Use the aiming pad and aim in front of someone before they go another way. If done correctly, you will not miss one point. This will also boost your score at the high score board.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com


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