World Championship Pool 2004
Place ball where you want
Press Up, Down(3), Left, Right, Down, Up at the start menu. The sound of a rack break will confirm correct code entry.
UEFA Euro 2004
To do tricks with the ball, rotate the Right Analog-stick while you have the ball. To do better tricks, do the same thing with R2 held.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Cheat List
Enter the following passwords for the cheat. Please note that the codes are case-sensitive...
THEKITCHENSINK ---- All Courses and Golfers
ALLTHETRACKS ---- all courses
CANYOUPICKONE ---- All Golfers
4REDSHIRTS ------ Sunday Tiger
DISCOKING -Dominic "The Don" Donatello
SHORTGAME - Solita Lopez
DWILBY - Hamish "Mulligan" MeGregor
EMERALDCHAMP - Takeharu "Tsunami" Moto
THENEWLEFTY - "Yosh" Tanigawa
CEDDYBEAR -Cedric The Entertainer
DTBROWN-- Downtown brown
EDDIE - Edwin "Pops" Masterson
ERUPTION - Moa "Big Mo" Ta'a Vatu
ICYONE - Erica Ice
SHERWOOD TARGET ---- Open sherwood targets 3 holes
Aces Wild Trophy Ball
Get a hole in one.
Back To Back Eagle Trophy Ball
Get two consecutive eagles.
Birdie Buster Trophy Ball
Get twelve birdies or better in a round.
Birdie Streak Trophy Ball
Get six birdies or better in a row.
Chip-in Challenge Trophy Ball
Hit the ball in the hole from 30 feet or farther.
Eagle Extravaganza Trophy Ball
Get four eagles in a round.
Eagle Hunt Trophy Ball
Eagle every par five.
Fairway Challenge Trophy Ball
Hit all the fairways in a round.
G.i.r. Challenge Trophy Ball
Hit all greens in regulation in a round.
Long Drive Challenge Trophy Ball
Hit a drive of 350 yards or longer.
Long Putt Challenge Trophy Ball
Get a 55 foot or longer putt.
Low Round Trophy Ball
Get a score of 60 or lower in a round.
Pin Seeker Trophy Ball
Hit the pin.
Top Of The Tournaments Trophy Ball
Get first place in all tournaments.
World Tour Trophy Ball
Successfully complete the World Tour.
NHL 2004
Bonus Players
Create a player using one of the following names of members of the band Alien Ant Farm: Terence Corso, Mike Cosgrove, Dryden Mitchell, or Tye Zamora. The game will adjust the players face and statistics automatically to match that band member. Create a player using one of the following names of members of the band Gob: Theo Gobzinakis, Gob Stomper, Tom Whacker, Pat Wolfman, or Craig Would. The game will adjust the players face and statistics automatically to match that band member. In the Gamecube version, entering Gabe Metal (another band member) will cause the game to freeze. Look at the credits screen in the game and choose any name from the EA development team. Enter that name at the create player option. The game will tell you that it has this player in its database, and automatically adjusts the stats and appearance accordingly.
Dynasty Mode: 2 Upgrade Points
Reach level 2 in your EA Sports Bio.
Commentators: Deep Voice
Reach level 4 in your EA Sports Bio.
Big Head Mode
Reach level 8 in your EA Sports Bio.
Dynasty Mode: 2 Gm Office Rewards
Reach level 12 in your EA Sports Bio.
Dynasty Mode: 3 Upgrade Points
Reach level 18 in your EA Sports Bio.
Mile Wide Stadium
Reach level 24 in your EA Sports Bio.
Commentators: Chipmunk Voice
Reach level 32 in your EA Sports Bio.
Easy Goals
When you have the puck, swing around the opponent's net. If the goalie is on the other side, then shoot with back hand shot. This best works with two players, so that other person can distract the goalie.
Bouncing Puck
Go to game settings menu and adjust the 'Puck Friction', 'Puck Gravity' and every option you can adjust on that screen that has to do with the puck. Go to a game and shoot the puck down the ice. If it does not hit the goalie, the puck should be bouncing all over the place until it runs out of speed.
Getting Good Players
In dynasty mode, rack up on draft picks by signing unwanted free agents and trading them to random teams for draft picks. Doing this also earns you GM experience points.
Freeze Game
When in Create A Player, typing in a certain name will cause the game to freeze. While typing in one of the members of Gob (Gabe Metal), the screen will freeze. For example, typing Metal, then Gabe will freeze the screen, as well as typing Gabe, then Metal.
NBA Shootout 2004
Infinite creation points
Choose rosters from the main menu then select create player set the first name to muscoy and the last name mike when you advance to the attribute screen you'll have unlimited points.
MLB 2004
Big ball
Press Start to pause game play, then press L2(2), R1, Left(2), Right, R1, R2.
Big bat
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, R1, Left, L1, R2(2), Left, Right.
Big gloves
Press Start to pause game play, then press L1(2), L2(2), Left, Right, R2, R1.
Big bodies
Press Start to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, L1, L2, R2, R1.
No bodies
Press Start to pause game play, then press R1, R2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right.
Big heads
Press Start to pause game play, then press Left(2), Right(2), L1, L2, R2, R1.
Small heads
Press Start to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Up, Down, R1(2), L1(2).
Big feet
Press Start to pause game play, then press Right, Left, Right, Left, L2, R1, L1, R2.
Fast players
Press Start to pause game play, then press Left, Right(2), Left, L1, R1(2), L1.
Slow players
Press Start to pause game play, then press Left(2), Right(2), R2(2), L2(2).
Programmer names
Press Start to pause game play, then press R1, R2, Right(2), Left(2), L2, L1.
Super player
Enter one of the following case-sensitive player names at the player creation screen. Trade him to your team from the free agent screen. He can hit 606 ft. homeruns.
SLUGGER _ (Note: Enter a space as the last name)
Madden NFL 2004
EA Sports Bio Level 19 Reward
Reach level 19 in EA Sports bio to receive the Super Bowl 38 stadium card.
Madden Cards And Game Cheats
Get a gold rank on any event on All-pro, Pro, and Rookie levels in mini-camp mode.
Change music
Hold Square (Help) and press L1 or R1.
Touchdown celebration
After you make a touchdown, hold Circle to spike the ball.
Bingo cheat
Reach level 2 in your EA Sports Bio.
Ray Lewis
Reach level 3 in your EA Sports Bio.
1990 Eagles team
Reach level 4 in your EA Sports Bio.
Steve Spurrier coach
Reach level 6 in your EA Sports Bio.
Preist Holmes
Reach level 9 in your EA Sports Bio.
Super Bowl 38 stadium
Reach level 19 in your EA Sports Bio.
Tiburon Complex stadium
Reach level 29 in your EA Sports Bio.
Ricky Williams
Reach level 27 in your EA sports Bio.
1988 San Francisco 49ers
Reach level 35 in your EA Sports Bio.