Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom
Unlock Joey
Win the story mode with both Yugi and Kaiba to unlock Joey.
Unlock Soul of Oblisk
To unlock the Soul of Oblisk, beat Yugi's story.
Get Obelisk The Tormenter
To get Obelisk the Tormenter, beat story mode once with Yugi Moto. He should appear as an item that you can summon once a round.
Get the Magician of Black Chaos
To get the Magician of Black Chaos, use the black luster ritual on the dark magician.
Unlock Eye of Ra
To unlock the Eye of Ra, beat Marik while playing as Joey.
Unlock Silfer's Orb
To unlock Silfer's Orb, beat Kaiba's game.
Unlock Alpha Warrior
On DREAM WORLD liberate MEMORY BRIDGE in the Yugi story.
Unlock Black Luster Soldier
When you get the Black Luster Ritual use it on Gaia instead on the Dark Magician to get the Black Luster Soldier.
Konami Code Hijinks
Go to any empty space and press the Konami Code: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, and you'll hear a jokey sound.
Moisture Creature
The Moisture Creature is on Kaiba's mission, Sever The Supply. Send a team to Sweit, build a watch tower, then trace the circle. Search the east side of Sweit. You might him in a small pass between mountains. He is rumored to move around sometimes. Keep searching in that area and you should find him.
In Yugi's Story on the Turbulent Waters level, send someone down towards the base called Thor-Mount. About half-way down you will encounter the monster Octoberser. Win and it will join your army.
Rex Raptor
You can get Rex Raptor is after the battle with Weevil. He sends out about four warriors. After you defeat them, take him head on with two of your Marshals. He carries a Two Headed King Rex, Megazowler, and Uraby with him.
Unlock Silver Fang
After you beat Yugi's story (or maybe its after you beat the whole game) play Yugi's story again. On mission 1 send Yugi straight towards the enemy's main base and once you reach the forest you will find Silver Fang all by himself.
Challenge Mode
Defeat everyone at least once. When you go to 'Load Game', there will be a challenge mode with all of your items from the three stories.
Completing Challenge Mode
Have Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and Dark Magician #2. Level them up so that the Dark Magicians can use Dark Burning Magic. Equip Rageki and Mirror Force and Red Medicine or a Dien Keto Cure Master. You should not have a problem with challenge mode.
In Kaibas level Dragon'slair use z to send someone to Den and on the mountian you will find a busterblader and a cyber commander beat them and you will get them both.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Special
Transform fighters
Wait until the phrase "Presented By" completely appears on the title screen. The, quickly press B, A, B, Y, B, A, B, Y. Highlight one of the characters that can change shapes and press L.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final
Fight as final Boss
Press Y(7), X(6), A(5) when "Push Start" appears on the opening screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Bonus character
Press Y(7), X(7), A(7) when "Push Start" appears on the opening screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. A character from the movie will be unlocked.
Easy fatalities
Enter the options screen and change the number in front of P1 and P2 (player one or player two) to one of the following settings.
1: Press L or R when having little energy for the fatality to automatically be tied up.
2: One button special attacks, and L + R will execute fatalities.
Off: All functions are disabled.
Fatalities with animations
Begin game play against the CPU in story mode: Leave the fighters with the a blinking energy bar then press Forward, Back, Forward, X. The fighter will leave the dizzy opponent. Execute the fatality. The screen will close and the animation will appear. When playing against a human player two, repeat the process in the third round.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2
Hidden characters
Press Down, Up, L(2), R(2), Y, X, A, Y at the title screen.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho
Enable all fighters
Enter BABYBABY as a password.
Super characters
Enter BABABABA as a password and press L + R on controller two.
View ending sequence and credits
Select story mode and enter BABYBABY as a password.
YS III: Wanderers From YS
Getting stuff early
You can get items from Farther earlier in the game. First put in the invincibility code and go to the world map. Because of a flaw with the code use controller two and push left or right to choose where you want to go. you could actually select a game that you are only about a half an hour into, and go to Ballacetine castle and get the battle shield!
Begin and save a game, then press RESET and wait for the American Sammy logo to and fully appear. Now press UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, SELECT, START on controller 2 before the logo disappears. Select Continue and then press SELECT to bring up a sub-screen. Now, press START on Controller 2 and the word "Debug" will appear next to Status if you've done this correctly.
Sound Test
While playing, press SELECT to bring up a subscreen, then hit START on Controller 2.
Young Merlin
^ = Up on directional pad of controller
> = Right on directional pad of controller
< = Left on directional pad of controller
R = R button on top of controller
L = L button on top of controller
v = Down on directional pad of controller
B, Y, X, and A = B, Y, X, and A buttons on controller
After the Pig Boss, 4 hearts, tulip, 1 bottlestun dust, yellow star
After saving faerie, 7 hearts, 2 bottles, tulip, daisy, balloon, dust, bubble wand, lantern, star
At entrance to first dungeon, 11 hearts, 3 bottles, tulip, daisy, rose, air bubble, spring, balloon, stun dust, bubble wand, lantern, star
At chained elf, 12 hearts, 3 bottles, mirror, tulip, daisy, rose, air bubble, spring, balloon, stun dust, bubble wand, lantern, y-star, puzzle key
Before Entering Rainbow land, 12 hearts, 3 bottles, tulip, daisy, rose, air bubble, spring, balloon, stun dust, bubble wand, lantern, y-star, puzzle key, mirror, flame
Middle of Rainbow land (after cashing in a fairy Token or two or three), 13 hearts, 3 bottles, tulip, daisy, rose, air bubble, spring, balloon, stun dust, bubble wand, lantern, silver star, puzzle key, mirror, flame
With all items, just before the Red dragon Boss (add snow flake, lightning, hour glass)