Hard Eight
Alternate ending song
Advance to the ending credits and press Audio Change. The "Chrismastime" song that is normally heard will be replaced by "I Should've Known".
Hidden trailers
Highlight the Trimark logo at the main menu and press Enter to view trailers for Slam and Another Day In Paradise.
Clarice sequence (Special Edition)
Insert Disc 2 and select the "Breaking The Silence" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Music" option, then press Left. Two arrows on a film frame will be highlighted. Press Enter view a sequence of scenes featuring Clarice.
Halloween 2
Music score in menus
Select the "Scene Selection" option for the main menu to begin a portion of the movie's music score. After it completes, advance to the next screen in the menu to start the next part of the score. Keep advancing to the next screen when the current part finishes playing to hear the entire score.
Secret death menu
Insert the letterboxed side of the disc. Repeatedly press Next during the Anchor Bay logo, trailer, DVD production notes, and FBI warning screen to advance through each of the death scenes in the movie. Advance through the disc until reaching a secret pumpkin menu with "Kill 'em All", "Sis", "Doggie", "Annie", "Bob", and "Linda" options.
Hidden animation
Press Up at the main menu to highlight the Hair logo. Press Enter to view a short animated segment.
Behind the Scenes
On the [Main Menu], select [Music Videos]. Then play the "H-I-M" video. A few seconds into it, a heartogram will appear in the bottom right corner. When you see it, Press [Enter].