WWF WrestleMania 2000
Alternate costumes
At the character selection screen, press C-Left or C-Right.
Random character
At the character selection screen, press C-Down.
Get Extra Wrestlers
Finish the Road to Wrestlemania Mode
See Finishing Moves
The spirit meter must be on Special then get in a tie-up and press the Analog Stick
Manager interference
Start a one-on-one match and select a wrestler that has a manager/valet. Select an opponent that does not have a manager/valet. Start the match and wait for a run-in. After the new wrestler enter the ring, your manager will jump into the match and beat up the interfering wrestler.
Pick up a weapon
Go to the side barricade. Then, face the crowed and press C-Up.
Steal opponent's finishing move
Strong grapple your opponent while your Attitude meter is flashing, then press the Analog-stick in any direction while simultaneously pressing A + B. Now you can humiliate your opponent by smacking him or her around with their own move.
Play as Cactus Jack
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with any character and win the hard-core title. Defend it a few times and Cactus will come out and reveal himself as a hidden character.
Play as Dude Love
Begin Road To Wrestlemania mode with any character and make it to Summerslam undefeated. Doing this will give you a shot at the WWF title. If you are victorious, Dude Love will come out and reveal himself as a hidden character.
Play as Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with any character and make it to Wrestlemania. Before the action begins, JR and JL will introduce themselves and also become selectable characters.
Play as Paul Bearer
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with The Undertaker. After several matches, Paul will eventually accompany you to the ring and become a playable character.
Play as Shawn Michaels
Begin Road To Wrestlemania and make it to Wrestlemania. Either defend or win the WWF title and Shawn will challenge you. If you win, he will become a selectable character.
Play as Stephanie McMahon
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with Test. After several matches, Stephanie will eventually accompany you to the ring and become a playable character.
Smoking Skull belt
Successfully complete "Road To Wrestlemania" mode with Stone Cold Steve Austin to unlock the Smoking Skull belt in "Create-A-Belt" mode.
How to do the Senton bomb
Someone be Jeff hardy, and someone be a guy with a special that TKO's you. (EX: Matt Hardy-Diamond Cutter or Bradshaw-Close Line from Hell) After someone gets a special like the Close Line from Hell or something along those lines, be Jeff and get on the turnbuckle when the person is in the TKO mode, (when he's trying to get up) Well while hes getting TKO'ed go off the turnbuckle, and Jeff will do the Senton bomb.
Inferno match
Beat Wrestlemania with the Undertaker and any partner. If you use The Big Show as a partner your last match will be a Hell in a Cell match. Beat it perfectly. Every match! At the end when it is over start another game on the same place, but do not erase the Undertakers game. There you go!
Latter match
Complete WrestleMania with Triple H and X-pac! Then all of your matches will be latter matches!
Hell in a Cell Match
Use Undertaker and Big Sow as a partner and win every match. Your last match will be a Hell in a Cell match!