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Vigilante 8

All Levels, Characters, and Vehicles

Enter the password: JTBT7CFD1LRMGW to unlock all Characters, stages, and cars.

Bonus Level

Successfully complete 'Y' the Alien's quest and you will be able to play in Super Dreamland 64, a colorful fantasy world.

Enable Ultra high Resolution

Enter the password MAX_RESOLUTION.

Roadkill Mines

Cactus Patch: Left-Right-Up-Fire Machine Gun

Cost: 2 to 6 Mines

Bruiser Cannon

Cow Puncher: Down-Up-Down-Fire Machine Gun

Cost: 2 Shells

Sky Hammer Mortar

Turtle Turnover: Down-Down-Down-Fire Machine Gun

Cost: 2 Shells

Bull's Eye Rockets

Stampede: Up-Down-Up-Fire Machine Gun

Cost: 5 Rockets

Interceptor Missiles

Halo Decoy: Up-Up-Down-Fire Machine Gun

Cost: 2 Missiles

Classified Secret Moves

The following are the secret moves labeled as classified (and thus undocumented) in the manual.

View all Endings

Enter the password LONG_SLIDESHOW.

Unlock Levels

To unlock all levels, enter the password LEVEL_SHORTCUT.

Super Hard Difficulty

Enter the password I_AM_TOUGH_GUY.


Enter the password GO_REALLY_SLOW.

Remove all Enemies

Enter the password POPULATION_OUT.

Reduced Gravity

Enter the password A_MOON_GETAWAY.

Rapid-Fire Weapons

Enter the password FIRE_NO_LIMITS.

God Mode

For invincibility, enter the password LIVING_FOREVER.

Enhanced Missiles

Enter the password MISSILE_ATTACK.

Classified Secret Moves

The following are the secret moves labeled as classified (and thus undocumented) in the manual:

Interceptor Missiles Halo Decoy: Up-Up-Down-Fire Machine Gun Cost: 2 Missiles

Bull's Eye Rockets Stampede: Up-Down-Up-Fire Machine Gun Cost: 5 Rockets

Sky Hammer Mortar Turtle Turnover: Down-Down-Down-Fire Machine Gun Cost: 2 Shells

Bruiser Cannon Cow Puncher: Down-Up-Down-Fire Machine Gun Cost: 2 Shells

Roadkill Mines Cactus Patch: Left-Right-Up-Fire Machine Gun Cost: 2 to 6 Mines

Choose the Same Car

To let multiple players use the same car, enter the password MIX_MATCH_CARS.

Bonus Level

Successfully complete 'Y' the Alien's quest and you will be able to play in Super Dreamland 64, a colorful fantasy world.

All Vehicles (Except the Alien)

Enter the password GANGS_UNLOCKED.

Alien Vehicle

Enter the password GIMME_DA_ALIEN.


Enter the password JTBT7CFD1LRMGW to open up all the stages and cars.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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