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Spawn: Armageddon

Level select

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

All weapons

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited ammunition

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited health and Necroplasm

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry. Alternately, press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up(3). Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited Necroplasm

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

No blood

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all comics

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Up. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

Unlock encyclopedia

Press Start to pause game play, then quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down. Spawn will speak to confirm correct code entry.

Easy Souls

On level 7 (Power Behind The Throne), fight all the demons and leave through the exit door. Then, turn around and go back. All of them will be back.

Defeating the Super Redeemer

When fighting the last Boss, the Super Redeemer, use the Brimstone Cannons. When you hit him, he will drop ammunition for various guns.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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