NCAA Football 2001
Enter one of the following cheats at the secret codes screen to activate the corresponding cheat function:
All stadiums unlocked | OPENSESAME |
Juggernaut team | BULLDOZER |
Maximum recruiting points | HEADCOACH |
Maximum attribute points | BALLER |
Receivers always catch | HANDSOFGLUE |
Defense always intercepts | OSKIE |
Slower players | CEMENTFEET |
Faster players | SCRAMBLE |
View CPU plays | MINDREADER |
Faster daytime effects | DAYNIGHT |
Change the date | Y2K |
Wind at maximum | SAFETY |
Full poll [Note] | POPULARITY |
Note: Press R1(2) at the poll screen to view more team rankings.
Touchdown celebrations
Hold one of the following buttons immediately after scoring a touchdown at the risk of an unsportsman-like conduct penalty:
Heismen pose
Hold X.
Ball spike
Hold Circle.
Muscle flexing
Hold Square.
Back flip
Hold Triangle.
Spin the ball
Hold R1.