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NBA Jam ’99

Big Players

Pause the game en press: L, L, C-right, L, L, C-right, L, L, C-right, Z.

Giant Players

To achieve giant players you must pause the game then press Left,Left,Z,Left,Left,Z,Left,Left,Z. After you press those bottpns you will here a noise.That means the good worked.

Multiple Camera Angles while Freethrowing

While Freethrowing press the R button before you shoot to change the camera angle.

Change Shooter for Free Throw

When a bad freethrow shooter is at the line you can switch by changing "Player Match-up" under team settings.

Big ball

Pause and press L, L, C-Left, L, L, C-Up, L, L, C-Right, L, L, C-Down, Z.

Disable cheats

Pause and press L, L, Left, L, L, Left, L, L, Left, Z.

Shoot from anywhere

Pause and press L, L, C-Up, L, L, C-Up, L, L, C-Up, Z.

Dunk from anywhere

Pause and press L, L, C-Down, L, L, C-Down, L, L, C-Down, Z.

Small players

Pause and press L, L, C-Left, C-Left, L, L, C-Left, L, L, C-Left, Z.

Team on fire

Pause the game and press L, L, Right, L, L, Right, L, L, Right, Z.

Tie scores

Pause the game and press L, L, Down, L, L, Down, L, L, Down, Z.

Super push

Pause the game and press L, L, Up, L, L, Up, L, L, Up, Z.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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