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NBA Jam 2000

Super Turbo

When competing in exibition mode get control of the ball and hold Z+R or Z+L when your running to go extra fast.

Slam Dunk from anywhere

This code will not work if you do not press Z(the trigger Button) at the end of the code. Also to make players extremely small or extremely big, put the codes in a multiple amount of times. Do this code during the game at any time: L, L, DOWN-C, L, L, DOWN-C, L, L, DOWN-C, Z.


This code will not work if you do not press Z(the trigger Button) at the end of the code. Also to make players extremely small or extremely big, put the codes in a multiple amount of times. Do this code during the game at any time: L, L, UP-C, L, L, UP-C, L, L, UP-C, Z.

Smaller Players

This code will not work if you do not press Z(the trigger Button) at the end of the code. Also to make players extremely small or extremely big, put the codes in a multiple amount of times. Do this code during the game at any time: L, L, LEFT-C, L, L, LEFT-C, L, L, LEFT-C, Z.

Giant Players

This code will not work if you do not press Z(the trigger Button) at the end of the code. Also to make players extremely small or extremely big, put the codes in a multiple amount of times. Do this code during the game at any time: L, L, RIGHT-C, L, L, RIGHT-C, L, L, RIGHT-C, Z.

3-Point Perfect

You get right up to the 3-Point line and when you take the shot you hold down Z and when the ball is close to the basket you let go of Z and you'll make it.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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