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NBA Hangtime

Hidden Players

At the character select screen, punch in these simple passwords and PIN numbers to play as your favorite NBA athletes.

Ahrdwy - 0000

Amrich - 2020

Bardo - 5000

Carlos - 1010

Cliffr - 0000

Daniel - 0604

Danr - 0000

Davidr - 0000

Divita - 0201

Dream - 0000

Eddie - 6213

Elliot - 0000

Eugene - 6767

Ewing - 0000

Ghill - 0000

Glennr - 0000

hgrant - 0000

Inife - 6000

Jamie - 1000

Jappie - 6660

Jason - 0729

JC - 0000

Jigget - 1010

Jfer - 0503

Jonhey - 6000

Johnsn - 0000

Kemp - 0000

Kidd - 0000

Kombat - 0004

Malone - 0000

Marius - 1005

Marty - 1010

Mdoc - 2099

Mednik - 6000

Miller - 0000

Minife - 6000

Morris - 6000

Mortal - 0004

Motumb - 0000

Munday - 5432

Mursan - 0000

MXV - 1014

Nick - 7000

Nfunk - 0101

Nobud - 1010

North - 5050

Patf - 2000

Perry - 3500

Pippen - 0000

Quin - 0330

Rice - 0000

Rodman - 0000

Root - 6000

Shawn - 0123

Smits - 0000

Sno - 0103

Stackh - 0000

Starks - 0000

Turmel - 0323

Webb - 0000

Webber - 0000

Secret Codes

First, go to the Tonight's Matchup screen. Then type the following codes:

Big Heads - Hold Up, Pass and Turbo at the same time

Huge Heads - Up, Up, Pass, Turbo

No Tag Arrow - Left, Left, Pass, Turbo

No Drift - Down, Down, Shoot, Turbo

Secret Options

First, go to the Tonight's Matchup screen. The type the next numbers. Use the Turbo ( B ) for the 1st number, the Shoot button ( down arrow ) for the middle number and use the Pass button ( right arrow ) for the last number.

025 - Baby Sized Players

048 - No Music

111 - Tournament Mode

120 - Fast Passing

273 - Stealth Turbo

390 - No Pushing

461 - Unlimited Turbo

552 - Hyper Speed

610 - No Codes Allowed

616 - Block Power

709 - Quick Hands

802 - Maximum Power

937 - Goal Tending

Change Rodman's haircolor

Go the team select screen. Go to the Chicago Bulls and press Pass.

Rooftop Jam

To get to play on the rooftop of an apartment building, go to the "Tonights match up" screen and HOLD Left on the JOYSTICK, the press TURBO THREE TIMES really quickly.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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