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Micro Maniacs

Maximum specials

At Secret Options in the options screen, hold Select and press Square, X, R1, Circle, Up, Square, Down, Up, Down, X, Square.

Motion blur mode

At Secret Options in the options screen, hold Select and press Triangle, Circle, Right, Triangle, Up, Right, Circle, Up, Square.

Increase opponents AI

At Secret Options in the options screen, hold Select and press Circle, Up, Triangle, Circle, Left, Triangle, Square, Square, X, Down.

Tanks Mode

At the Options screen, select Secret Options, hold Select and press Down, Up, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Right, Triangle.

Slow AI

At the Options screen, select Secret Options, hold Select and press Up, Left, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Up, Triangle, Left.

All Tracks

At the Options screen, select Secret Options, hold Select and press Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Down, Up, Up, Down.

Infinite Power-Ups

At the Options screen, select Secret Options, hold Select and press Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X, Left, X, Square, Square, Circle, Left, Circle, Up, Triangle.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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