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Looney Tunes B Ball

Become Bugs

While playing the game, press X, Turbo (L or R), X and Turbo.


While playing the game, press Up, Up, Up and Turbo (L or R Buttons).

Become Elmer

While playing the game, press Right, Right, Up, Up and Turbo (L or R).

X-Ray Vision

While playing the game, press Left, Left and X.

Become Daffy

While playing the game, press Right, Right, Down and X.

Become Wile E Coyote

While playing the game, press X, Turbo (L or R), Turbo and X.

Short Fuse

While playing the game, light a bomb, then press Down, Down and X to give it a short fuse.

Become Sylvester

While playing the game, press Turbo (L or R), Turbo, Turbo and X.

Random Fuse

While playing the game and the ball has turned into a bomb, Press Down, Down, Up and X.


While playing the game, press B, B, B, B, B and X.


While playing the game, press Right, Right, Right, Left, Left and Turbo (L or R) to turn the Dog Ball option on. Enter the code again to turn the Dog Ball option off.

Goal Tending

While playing the game, press Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right and Turbo (L or R).

Extended Play

While playing the game, press Up, Right, Down, Left and Turbo (L or R).

Happy Face

While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right and X.

Extended Morph

To more than double your morph time, press Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left and X before you change.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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