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Command & Conquer: Red Alert Retaliation


To get a chronoshifter, enter this code. Place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the circle Button on the default settings).

Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle.

Easy Money

To enter this code, place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the CIRCLE button on the default settings.)

X, X, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle.

Instant Win

To enter this code, place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the CIRCLE button on the default settings.)

Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, X, Square.


To enter this code, place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the circle Button on the default settings).

Square, X, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle.

Nuclear Attack

To enter this code, place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the CIRCLE button on the default settings.)

Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Square


To get parabombs, enter this code. Place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the circle Button on the default settings).

X, X, X, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Reveal Map

To enter this code, place the cursor over the corresponding symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the CIRCLE button on the default settings.)

Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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