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Bloody Roar

Afterimage Mode

Beat the game with everybody to access afterimage mode. The game is the same, but your character will have a shadow behind him.

Alter Your Character's Appearance

To alter your character's appearance, follow the instructions below while selecting a fighter.

To change your costume:

Select your character with CIRCLE

For Meaty Arms:

Hold L1 and L2 while selecting your character.

To change your costume and have a big head:

Hold L2 and select your character with CIRCLE

To change your costume and be a kid:

Hold R2 and select your character with CIRCLE

To have the same costume with a big head:

Hold L2 and select your character with X

To have the same costume and be a kid:

Hold R2 and select your character with X

Bonus Options

Beat the game on level 4 or higher to unlock more options on the Bonus menu.

Change Camera Angle

Beat the game with Alice, level 4 or better. Now you can change the camera angle, but not during battle. You can only do this at the option screen.

Invisible Walls

Beat the game with Fox, level 4 or better, to play without the walls showing. The walls will still be there, it's just that they're clear.

Large Arena

Beat ten opponents in a row in the Survival Mode to increase the size of the battle field.

Life Recovery

Beat the game with Bakuryu on level 4 or above for regenerating life bars.

Meaty Arms

Beat the game with no continues on Level 4 or above to give your characters larger arms.

No Guage Mode

Beat the game with Yugo, level 4 or better.

No Guard Mode

Beat the game with Gado, level 4 or better, to play your games without any defense at all!

No Lightning

Beat the game with Long, Level 4 or better, to stop the lightning effects when doing certain moves. There is no point in doing this, unless you think the lightning is annoying.

Play as School Girl Alice

Beat all opponents in Time Attack Mode in under ten minutes to chage Alice's outfit.

Small Characters

While on character select screen; hold R2 and choose a character with the CIRCLE button.

Unlimited Replays

After beating an opponent (any round), hit the TRIANGLE button to view a replay. Every time you hit TRIANGLE you will see another replay.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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