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Enter the following password: Pinky, Dot, Nurse, Pinky, CEO, Wakko, Ralph, Brain, Nurse, Brain, Brain, Yakko.

Studio & Sci-Fi Password

Enter the following password: Brain, Dot, Brain, Dot, Ralph, Nurse, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, CEO, Pinky, Wakko.

Studio Password

Enter the following password: Ralph, Ralph, Brain, CEO, Wakko, Pinky, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Nurse, Brain, Dot.

Studio, Sci-Fi, & Fantasy Password

Enter the following password: Ralph, Wakko, Pinky, Nurse, Yakko, Pinky, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Nurse, Yakko, Dot.

Studio, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & Aquatic Password

Enter the following password: Nurse, Nurse, Brain, Ralph, Dot, Brain, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, CEO, CEO, Wakko.

Action Replay codes

0CFCC090 Invincible

82ABB101 Every coin gives you 999 saved slot rotations

82ABFF02 Every second coin gives you 99 continues

82ABFF05 Every slot machine roll gives you 99 continues

839011FF Higher jump.

8390D1FF Press and hold up or down against some walls to "climb" them

8390FEFF Better vertical jump control - can move up and down more than

once in the air.



83901E01 Super jump and float

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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