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Agile Warrior


You can still run out of fuel! Pause the game and press the following: LEFT, T, T, T ,T, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, T, T, T, S.


5433 - This password sets first 3 missions as complete and opens missions 4 and 5

7154 - This password sets all missions and opens the final mission, called Area 51.

Cheats - pause game first

Max Fuel and Armor - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, T, T, T, O

Max Weapons (999) - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, R1, R1, R1, R1, L1, L1, L1, L1, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2

Mesh Fog Editor - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, 0, DOWN, X, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, T, T, T

Overhead Map Translucency - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, O, O, O, O, O.

Codes - pause games first

Cheryl Marie Boudreau Dance - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, DOWN, X, DOWN, X, DOWN, X, DOWN, X, DOWN, X

Debug Info - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, L2, R2

Overhead Camera - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT

Long Camera Views - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, X, X, X, O, X, X, X

Mission Complete - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, T, T, T, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

All Missions Complete - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, SELECT, X, X, X, SELECT, T, T, T, SELECT, X, X, X

Enable Ground Crash - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, S, X, X, S

Turn off HUD - LEFT, S, S, S, S, UP, T, T, T, RIGHT, O, DOWN, X, R1+R2.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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