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Actua Soccer 2

Super Fury Animals Team

At the start screen press Left, Left, Square, Right, Right, Circle, Up, Down.

Small Players

At the start screen press Circle, Down, Down, Square, Up, Up, Left, Right.

Invisible Players

At the start menu press Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Up, Right, Square, Left.

Gremlin 11 Team

Press Left, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Circle at the start menu.

Gigantic Players

At the start menu press Up, Down, Down, Right, Square, Square, Circle, Circle.

Ghost Ball

At the start screen press Square, Square, Left, Left, Right, Right, Circle, Circle.

Break Reflectors

At the start menu press Left, Left, Left, Circle, Right, Right, Right, Square.

Black & White Color TV Mode

At the start menu press Up, Down, Up, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Up.

Beach Ball

At the start screen press Left, Right, Left, Up, Left, Right, Square, Square.

Found at www.cheatrocket.com

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